If you could make a wish within wow to Metzen

Roll back everything to the end of legion and try again. Maybe next time try not to ruin everything.

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Please give us Blademasters.

Not as a hero talent tree for Warriors or some cosmetic, an actual Samurai.


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guys you do realize metzen is just here to handle the lore. HE DOESN’T ACTUALLY HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH GAME MECHANICS. most of these wishes are completely outside his control.

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Give me my Felblood Elves, So I can finally be the Fel addicted Elf the Alliance is always accusing me of being
 Drinks fel Slurpie.

That’s what I was gonna say. Beat me to it. The dream part I mean.

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Mr Metzen please delete transmog cause I want to read the forum outrage, thank you!

Nothing too outrageous (truly outrageous, truly, truly, truly outrageous.)

Make Crawler Mines from SoO all difficulties tamable as Mechanical Hunter Pets

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Two-headed Ogre Mage named Ograna :grin:

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I wish for shadowlands to just be a dream. That expansion just retconned so much crap and killed off alot of characters, either in their reputation or literally.

“retcons are bad unless I want them”

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Maybe like a happy meal for cooking and maybe like coke slurpees?

Human shamans. (Not Kul Tiran human, i mean OG human.)

I can dump some (already writen) lore thats explains why humans could be shamans if needed.

Also Playable Vrykull and Tuskarr.

The 40% that enjoy it? Sure, why not?

  1. restore a forgiven sylVannas
  2. shadowlands a nzoth illusion?
  3. player housing with furnishings on trading post
  4. make all of instanced gnomeregan a gnome and mechagnome city with helicopters to traverse it
  5. proper cities for allied races
  6. playable ogres and high elfs
  7. new Velf hairstyles
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I wish we would experience an epic time issue that moves the entire world into a WC1 state. We get to see the original invasion of Azeroth. Our base of operations will be some kind of crumbling dalaran as we try to piece together getting back to our own time. We get to see the more peace focused new leaders clash with the old, brutal war-hungry leaders.

I would undo the damage of allied races and ensure that factionless content does not become a thing when they remove restrictions inevitably because both of these things didn’t need to happen, only one did. In the same wish, I would make sure we retain faction, race, and class identity by not allowing players to be whatever they want and prevent abominations such as lightforged draenai DKs, Maghar warlocks, and velf paladins from ever existing under any circumstances.

Identity should always come before selfish player desires who are just taking advantage of a dead game with a soft dev team.

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Make all of BfA and Shadowlands a N’Zoth-caused nightmarescape which Sylvanas was left out of and replaced by an imposter which would result in:

a) all the original lore back in place
b) the Night Elves back in their unique, unburnt, now-graphically-updated (updated, NOT changed) tree
c) Sylvanas as her strong, glorious, anti-hero self and head of both the Horde and the Forsaken
d) Calia Menethil back to the grave
e) Arthus Menethil’s fate still a mystery

And, most of all:

f) the Afterlife still a mystery.

Auduin can still be traumatized by the events because he still experienced them.
The allied races were still in the nightmarescape with us so the alliances were still made and continue.
And, while everything there was a lie, it was still a real place like the Emerald Dream so everything earned, crafted or bought is still able to be kept. And it can still be accessed.

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AU Lantresor of the Blade is my bae.

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He works in my mine

Just a few, in order of priority:

  • PCs start entirely neutral and instead are a wandering hero, serving neutral factions for PvE ‘save-the-world’ storylines. The option to join Horde and Alliance factions would be an exactly that, an option rather than a requirement, and they would only accept their designated races. Team Red and Team Blue would instead serve as quest hubs and providers of access to PvP storylines, questlines, and zones with PvP zone objectives for players that opt into War Mode after making contact with their PvP faction.
  • Players should have the option to start in a city appropriate for their class instead of just their racial starting area or Exile’s Reach, with tutorial quests focused on the fundamentals of that class and culminate into the player’s first instanced dungeon. Meanwhile, Exile’s Reach is retooled into an AvH PvP-oriented storyline and tutorial, providing basic battlefield tactics and strategies as well as what to look for when it comes to considering skills and advancement, with the final ‘quest’ being an instanced battleground that resolves upon completion instead of victory, to ensure no one gets ‘stuck’.
  • Character models need more customizations, some bugfixes, and a greater focus on variety. Expand on the BT system and what it can do. Fix long-standing bugs like the Pandaren Female neck seam. Add non-hunched options for still-hunched races like Worgen, Tauren, and Forsaken. Add a toggle for Pandaren sandals. Add an underwear toggle for furred races; if the scalies can do it, there’s no reason you couldn’t barbie-doll the fur too. This is actually how it worked back in the MoP beta!
  • All classes need to open for all races. Every class is trainable, so every class is learnable by any individual willing to put the time in to learn it. The PC is an exceptional member of their people, so it makes sense they may be able to do things or be willing to step outside the cultural norms of the parent race.