If you could do anything to Frost DK next expansion what would you do

Well it won’t because we’re getting GA in the set bonus as a bandaid.

They’re not gonna touch talents until 10.0 at this point.

9.2 is looking like another patch of bottom barrel M+, bad pvp, and lower mid tier raid status.

There is a post that they might change this.

Even if it won’t it still should

Change the tier set? Again? Before the changes even hit the ptr?

Or making a talent change so far into the expansion?

The tier set, most likely.

Again? The new one hasnt even hit the PTR yet. Remorseless winter still increases crit by 8% and KM fires GA when consumed.

I even had times that I didnt get KM for over 15 seconds, which meant RI fell off. The only time it felt good was with Obliteration, but outside of that window you still run the risk of RI falling off.

Again this is with the original tier set since it hasnt been updated.

But what were they saying they were going to do with the tier set now?

I’m not sure.

But this post does not bode well for Frost Tier set: https://www.wowhead.com/news/blizzard-on-upcoming-death-knight-tier-set-tuning-and-design-goals-in-9-2-325592

They might keep the tier set as is or completely change it. I dunno.

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Oh, they are leaving it as it is.

Instead of having the 15% chance to gain KM on gaining a rune, its just staying as is.

I can get almost 40% crit chance with RM active. Just forces Gathering Storm even more. And its quite possible that you might want to keep RI on your weapon. But that depends on where your crit ends up at.

If you only have around 20% crit baseline, then RI is a need on your weapon because you can have windows greater than 15 seconds and RI will fall off losing that 15% frost damage. It feels even worse with BoS and only 20% crit.

I cut down my post a lot. Just useless stuff. Time to go compare the 720 mastery to 313 str.

Oh, and something I just noticed with the tier set, you lose the Obliterate animation and you do the GA animation instead lol.

That’s funny! :joy:

that’s dumb, the only animation should be the oblit one


also i dont like the idea of Km firing off a GA. you gotta position yourself all the time to not attract unwanted attention

tho i guess its not that bad

idm it personally. i’m used to playing magicka warden in ESO where a large frontal based line aoe is one of your integral skills


Well, its only with KM procs that you use the GA animation. Which is the Howling Blast animation. Point with your weapon!

When hitting one of the many turnips people put out, you cant see anything going on anyways.

Dont look at unpulled mobs… problem solved.

the range isn’t even that far anyway

its like maybe 5 to 10 yards, its not pulling anything

Yeah. It’s not an issue.

Its actually a lot farther than 5-10 yards. The last hit of Glacial Advance is close to 20 yards away.

And just doing some other testing, its around 18-19 yards in front of you, and 1-2 yards behind you. So the actual area that will do damage, or apply razorice, is a 20 yard line that starts slightly behind the character.

I like that it hits behind you as well. That’s some nice QoL