If you could delete one class


I have played all and I don’t feel bothered by any class anymore .Thanks to Legion’s Mage tower :sunglasses:


I’m noticing that my three favorite classes (Demon Hunter, Death Knight, and Monk) are the most popular answers here, mainly because what I love about them; their style, their abilities, and their fun/easy play style - are the same reasons most of you hate them.

Amazing how we can experience the same thing, and you hate it while I think it’s the best thing ever.


Demon hunters hands down - They’re cool and all for PvE, but for PvP they are highly broken (I’m talking about mobility)

should not be able to jump from platform to platform in WSG/Twin Peaks and in Deepwind Gorge, insane speed on capping the cart


Public Speech Class. Never really understood that one…

… Oh wait, you meant a WoW class…

Yeah, sorry; not gonna happen.

demon hunters and druids


warriors yes warriors

If I HAD to, Monk. I just dont like WoWs version of monk, its a bit lame.

Ultimately idk why youd want to delete a class.

Have to go with Druids, they have every type of spec aside from ranged physical and they get the OP insta mount.

Resto druids need nerfed then removed

Rogue. Kinda hate the fact that they have utility, survivability and damage when most classes struggle to have at least one of those.

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Druids. The infiltration of furries into WoW started with them.

Yours. Death Knights are the epitome of faceroll. Get rid of them completely.


Demon hunters, yeah. I despise they got mana burn back when I had it taken away from me because it was a “toxic mechanic”.


Says the blood elf with blue skin

~Mortis Liked That

I’d delete Math


That would be demon hunters… DHs make DKs look complicated. :laughing:


Especially those who play a Male Human Paladin :rofl:

:rage: :rage: :rage:

Personally Ive never been a big fan of English class, but I also wouldn’t be opposed of getting rid of Chemistry.

I’d say Mages. As arch enemies, it’s fair that we nail that final nail on their coffin.

Demon Hunters being a close second. Being a member of the fel-tastic duo doesn’t mean we’re all good.

It could be worse. There are those who summons the undead.

RIP Drain Mana

funny how the most butt hurt are death knights and monks, lul git gud kids