If you could delete one class

Since I play most of them it’s hard to pick one to delete outright, but I’d probably have to go with demon hunters. The only reason I even have a demon hunter is because moonglaives are locked to the class, and the only way I can live out my fantasies of playing a night elf huntress/sentinel is via a heavily modified demon hunter, and even then it just doesnt feel right because of all the wings and felfire and transformation going on.

So yea, probably demon hunter. Replace them with huntress/warden IMO.


Druids obviously

Death Knights. Op since it exists.

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Death knights with out a second through, did not even finish reading your post before responding, it’s death knights. Followed by a close second of daemon hunters. Those 2 classes have cause more balance issues in the game then any other class

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Black Knights because we never going to get them, anti paladins are more cool.

Monks. Very bland class.

Hello Mortis. :wink:


Since I don’t like taking classes away from people, and I feel like this class would be absolutely horrible for the game, I’ll go with this, even though it was never going to happen in the first place.

dh are a cool idea but the implementation is terrible.

i would get rid of dh and monks by the way…or rather redesign them so they are less terrible and spammy.

but don’t get me wrong, dh are way worse than monks.

also i hate dk now…but that’s because of the redesign and how simple they are now.

but dh are definitely the worst…and have never not sucked

Demon huntards, I want meta back and they disgust me as well.


(Glares at the trail of cookie crumbs and mutters)

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Oh thank the speghetti monster in the sky… someone said it for me!

I keep trying to level one, but then in the back of my mind I think: a rogue could pick locks for me, better go rogue! :slight_smile:

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DK cause every player who has one act like their some nihilistic edge-lord, and they are zero skilled at playing them, Death Grip then Chains of Ice that all they know.

Demon Hunter or Death Knight. Leaning towards the first though.


Demon hunters for sure


Probably math. I know it’s important but man is it painful


Druid. Blizzard is biased and has given it special attention

Paladins. I hate them.

Demon Hunter.