If you arent upgrading gear

Your missing out. I know people are mad about having to spend their cosmetic money on gear upgrades. But man, with some upgrades this mode becomes a good time.

I was on the “no upgrades” train at first. But I got the main cosmetics i wanted then caved and spent my bronze. This mode is more that just some cosmetic slog fest… its super fun. I feel like a beast, running through raids from my first expansion, doing pulls so big you could have never dreamed of them in mop.

Upgrade that gear, its a good time.


Upgrades = less time spent doing the content
= more bronze per hr


With the new free 40k per character at level 70 you don’t need to spend a single bronze on cosmetics anyway, just level a new character and you’ll get multiple cosmetics or one of the big raid boss mount ones within a day that takes to level a character


And just like that all the antifroggers opened their eyes. And realized the frogs were just a dream.
That everyone can be op if they put in effort and upgrade gear.
And that 50 other exploits are still flying under the radar/didnt get nerfd.
It was all a dream
you can wake up now


Nah, I’m good. I’m leveling up alts and buying cosmetics here and there across them. No need to grind out currency for gear they’re taking away at end of event.


Yep. The ‘sluggish’ feeling goes away with some upgrades and thread farming. Gives you that “level 30” feeling again way into 70. Normal raids are a joke now.

Ive done both leveling a character for bronze and upgrading ilv to max.

It really depends on how much you want to unlock on if its worth it or not. Lets ignore the title and just count the other rewards.

If you want remix exclusive rewards you need roughly 2-3 characters ( with quests I get about 100k leveling).

A fully leveled character can manage roughly 80k in two hours assuming effective groups for raids double that if rng pugs.

You don’t really benefit from upgrading unless you are going for mog sets/raid mounts.

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yea i was on the no upgrades train to till like 2 days ago when i saw the dmg people with upgraded gear was doing. im almost 408 on all my slots and my damage is insane compared to before. i pugged with a dh today that was 436 i think and the dude was doing the same damage as people who farmed froggs it was insane. short term its depressing cause its such a bronze sink that could be used for buying stuff but anyone that wants to farm heroics for the maximum bronze they can get a day will be able to buy everything quicker

im doing 900k ish dps on bosses in heroic. its the quickest amount of bronze you can farm up. if you want the mounts/heirlooms its worth upgrading the gear to at least the 430s


I don’t like doing instances ad nauseam. I’m good.

EDIT: Corrected typo for spelling police.


I know heroic instance bosses give an extra thread over normal. Is there a notable difference in bronze? Should I do heroics once a day and then spam normal or just ignore heroic altogether?

Dungeons or raids?

Raids give quite a bit more roughly 250 a boss extra.

Dungeons its really about your daily bonus and you can get one 1250 from both heroic and normal. Heroic gives more but it isn’t a massive difference if you only do one a day

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I used my 40k bronze plus the bronze Id got levelling to upgrade to close to ilvl 400. The difference between 346 and 388 is huge.

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In my case, the upgrades really would not provide much of a benefit (and would be a net loss for bronze acquisition).

I don’t really bother with scenarios, dungeons, or raids. My staple material of choice is questing in the outdoor zones, which really does not provide a better return of bronze by being more powerful… it does not matter as much if I kill something in 2 seconds or 10 if I spend most of my time flying around the zones or camping a mob.


With the bonus 50k bronze we now get for reaching 70, and the speed at which we can level alts, I now feel much more comfortable with spending it on upgrades. Each alt is another pile of cosmetics, or an expensive mount. I know now I’ll get them all easily.

Yeah this is entirely false for all group content.

If everyone in your randomly assembled party has upgraded, then it’s faster. More likely, you just get to be top dps in a nobody cares competition.

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Now tell us how to get your Garrosh heirlooms

imagine wasting bronze on gear upgrades that are prolly gonna be a fraction of the cost in a few weeks. all that bronze you wasted could’ve just been mounts


Like, I agree with you, however from a design standpoint I’d rather spend threads on cosmetics than bronze. Right, that way its more explicit that you’re trading power for stuff.

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By the time they do that everyone that wanted mythic siege has already retired Remix.

I spent my gear to get 500 item level on my gear, so I can participate in a mythic raid.

I gotten my mythic siege clear in 9 days.

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You need to stop. Froggers got so much bronze that their gear is insane and that’s the reason 99% of the problems existed. Upgrading with bronze was always good, frog farm was bad (for the game), getting bronze normally takes a while. Play the game more spend times on the forum less
Go away

The change they need to do is make scrapping gear return 100% of the bronze cost to upgrade. No punishment to those who played normally and have spent a tonne