If you arent upgrading gear

It’s almost like what I was saying almost a week ago is true. It feels SUPER bad to spend all that initial leveling bronze on “worthless” item level boost, but it pays off in massive dividends in your future potential bronze earning capabilities.

You straight up are going to be VERY lucky to get an invite to ToT or SOO at this rate as a fresh 70 or even a lowbie. Even if you make your own group, unless you get lucky to get a geared toon just looking to blast, you’re in for a much slower time and the quality of people are typically lower to boot since, after all, they “don’t care”. It makes killing walls like Animus and Galakras much more sketchy since you’re already dealing with objectively weak players without gear.

Even just 2-3 full upgrade levels turn all of normal raiding into a breeze and makes you a much more palatable invite to pugs along with quintupling your DPS. It also makes your daily LFG stuff insanely fast too.

I’m 100% on board with Blizzard nerfing the cost of upgrades…but I doubt that is coming until halfway or later in the event. It is, afterall, in Blizzard’s best interest to keep us logging in and participating in the event for as long as possible.

Plus it is straight up fun to be so powerful. Running heroics in under 5 mins is amazing and can level friends to raid capable levels in an hour or so. Doing as much damage alone as the entire rest of a raid is worth a smile and a chuckle. The cherry on top is the occasional thanks of gratitude from someone who appreciated the fact they got to benefit at no cost.


Unfortunately I’m not quite tough enough to solo most raid bosses yet. I’m 3/6 MSV (suspect I will easily go 6/6 once I can kill Subetai before getting pinned), 1/6 HoF, 0/4 ToES (first boss might not be doable at all without the ability to dispel the heal), 0/12 ToT, and 2/13 SoO.

Jesus man, you are so offended by being labeled a cheating frogger, It’s embarrassing how you are in EVERY single post about froggers, defending being a cheater.

I can only imagine how insufferable you are IRL.

Guaranteed you spend your days alone, rage posting on the WoW Forums, and going back to your character full of ill gotten gains and staring at it simmering to yourself about how it’s the best you’ve ever been at a game.

and then you go back to being alone :frowning:


farming frogs for lesser charms is a 10 year old strategy, I personally don’t blame anybody for using it because the assumption is that if it works it must have been intended by the devs. The subsequent ordon priest nerf was the same thing. its a bit like blaming somebody for the chests in guo-lai halls working or demon hunters trivializing the trove of the thunder king. The froggers also maybe did a service to the community because at least a few of them botted on it and that gives the team that handles the warden data a very focused look in a very finite sample size. So other than trying to derail the thread, how did froggers even get brought up? They had their cloaks nerfed down to my level, and I’d have been about that powerful today had I simply spent the bronze upgrading gear instead of buying stuff I wanted.

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Upgrading definitely allowed me to clear heroics faster each day so it’s definitely not false. I don’t only do LFR or randomly assembled group content lol. Heroic world tour takes 2 hours with geared players, you’re saying if no one upgraded we would still be one shotting bosses? I could care less about topping dps, I’m spending infinitely less time on trash and bosses each day. Fact, my statement still stands
Upgrades = less time spent doing the content
= more bronze per hr. How is that “False for all group content” lol

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I was definitely in the “stubborn” club of wanting to save my bronze for mounts/cosmetics. But I read posts like this and figured, what the hell, I gotta try. So I upgraded my 346 gear twice. And it literally changed the game for me.

Whereas at 346 as a tank, I was getting nuked in dungeons, dying to world trash mobs, and doing zero damage, with the upgrades everything did a 180 and I became powerful again. And that’s just with two upgrades. If I do any more I might even start thinking of tougher non-LFR content, or seeing how far I can get trying dungeons solo.

I wish Blizz had given us all a hint that this was a recommended way to play instead of us all freaking out and turning on each other. If there was a “design philosophy” document I missed, then that’s on me. But I don’t remember one.

Anyway, with power back where it should be, that makes questing way faster, which means more bronze faster, etc.

And for those worried that upgrade prices will drop in the future and people like me will not enjoy those savings, I am about 80% confident Blizzard would refund us the past cost. They’ve done that in prior currency-adjustments and it’s a simple calculation for them.

Having said all that, I really hope Blizzard learns from this that just throwing modes like this out there and not giving any kind of guidance is really not a great approach. I hate that I went so negative, and I hate having seen so many other players at each other’s throats on the forums. It is a Blizz-created problem because they threw us all in the deep-end and said “You guys figure it out.” I’m not happy with that approach. At all.

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I’m glad that you and others are enjoying the game mode, and that Remix can actually deliver on its power fantasy promise, when earlier it was looking like it couldn’t.

Upgrading gear certainly makes sense to me if you’re chasing the raid achievements, or if the thrill of doing huge pulls or one-shotting hard mobs makes it worth it to you. Everybody achieves their goals and their idea of ‘fun’ in their own ways.

I’d actually like to upgrade my gear, but because collecting the cosmetics is a more important goal to me, and because both goals require spending Bronze, I hesitate to do it. My present strategy of becoming a human alt factory is currently netting me all the Bronze I will need, and while your way does indeed seem more exciting, mine at least guarantees I will reach my goal.

If I was certain that upgrading my gear wouldn’t leave me short on Bronze for cosmetics, I’d do it. I’m just not certain, and I’m rather averse to risk.


I had a question about upgrading. I was just upgrading green gear but I got a blue weapon with stam and int. If I scrap the green I upgraded, will I get that bronze back that I put into it or does it all go bye bye?

You don’t get it back.

But upgrade the blue gear before you scrap the green gear.

If the green gear is at a higher upgrade level, the blue upgrades will be discounted, but only if the green is in your bags.


:smile: agree.
I have never felt this much power in this game before. Perhaps I will never experience this level of power again in the future.


But you will only need to pay 5% of the price to upgrade your blue gear to the current level of your green gear.


You can make like 40k bronze a day in like 2-3 hours doing a normal world tour on a main. Doing normal raids on alts as wel is crazy good for farming bronze as well. I made a prot pally and went from 27-32 in a single Mogushan Vaults run and scored 7k bronze the run.

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Leveling the gear has one purpose. For people that want the tusks to drop. Don’t want those? Just buy stuff. Pointless upgrading is just idiotic. After character 2, maaaaaaybe three, I won’t need to play it anymore. Three will only be if I decide to get some toys.

Nope, people usually praise your God-like DPS and show their gratitude for being carried, at least in the OCE, where people are polite.


Hit gear max tonight! Oomph op

I got the mythic FoS tonight. Was worth it to me to level gear. I don’t collect anything other than pets or titles.

For what I’m aiming for and the route I’m taking to get there, I’m fine without upgrading. I do wish the best to those who are upgrading in finding the most cost effective and efficient way to do so.

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Just got to 402, feels great.

374 to 388 is where I started to notice a difference.

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Heck, until they come out and post the algorithm they use to decide a mob’s loot table, I’m going to assume they’re all manually coded.

Ergo, the charms were on the frog’s loot table by design.

Ergo ergo, I half suspect that they only claimed it was a bug because this dev team doesn’t have the guts to admit they left it alone (they were told about it on the PTR) and only realized once it was too late they’d underestimated it.

Why admit you made a mistake when you can just say it was out of your hands? This dev team has made it clear they don’t have the humility to admit fault.


Yeah, if you want the big ticket items upgrading is a fine investment. I only wanted the campaign achievement rewards and a fun alt leveling machine that gives me a (VERY) needed break from the same old speedleveling routes in Retail.

I just hope low level OPness remains relevant even when tons of characters have been upgraded, so I can still farm cloak XP on my alts without getting rejected from every group I apply to. :sweat_smile:

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