If you are pro-covenant, read this

Make a decision for which is more important to you.

Like, I leveled and played a marksmen/survival (and a lot of survival at that) in an expansion wherein they were the defacto wrong choice because of shortbus Beastmaster was, and if it hadn’t been for the escalation to mythic Nya’lotha I would have still been rocking my derp spec.

And lets be really clear about something: none of these abilties are actually bad. Some will be better on AOE or ST or have a wider variety of viable instances or be niche but powerfully so in that instances but it isn’t like you are being hurt by these choices.

So relax. Enjoy your choice. Have fun with the game.

No, that’s the flawed system’s problem. The core pitch for the covenants was that you would choose them based on how it appeals to you and your character. If there are two features in that system that contradict each other for a lot of players, then they failed at it.

Also “that’s a you problem” could be applied to literally every single one of the arguments you’ve made. Literally.

The core pitch was that you get to choose between four different cultures and what they offer. You can’t develop a game to account for everyone’s tastes, no matter how petty it can be, so it is definitely a ‘you’ problem.

Nope. I’m completely fine with Covenant abilities and their conditions.

And I thank god every day that developers don’t cater to people who play RPG’s and hate them at the same time.

So let’s be clear here. The choice is between enjoying the gameplay of a game, or enjoying the story. And you feel that having to choose between those two is not only acceptable, but laudable.

And lets be really clear about something: none of these abilties are actually bad. Some will be better on AOE or ST or have a wider variety of viable instances or be niche but powerfully so in that instances but it isn’t like you are being hurt by these choices.

My choice in what is fun has absolutely nothing to do with performance. It is entirely based around what I would find more fun to do as my class, regardless of optimization.

So relax. Enjoy your choice. Have fun with the game.

Again, the choice is between having fun with the game or having fun with the story. This is what we are trying to emphasize to you people. It doesn’t need to be like this at all

Eh a +2 run is good enough for me and that is to much pressure.

And I thank god every day that developers don’t cater to people who play RPG’s and hate them at the same time.

I’m not sure if you’re just illiterate, or you’re one of those people with such fragile egos you just pretend like you never read the many times you’ve been told that an MMORPG is not the same thing as an RPG. Either way, it’s been explained to you countless times before. You have my pity.

Still an RPG. Why is it that people put so much emphasis on the MMO, when it only describes the RPG.

So yes, you hate RPG’s, but still play them.

Nah, I just hate a stupid system when it’s there for no other reason than to be a system. But please, tell me how much I hate RPGs knowing absolutely nothing about me. Tell me how I hate RPGs because I think that the player dynamic is an important element to an MMO, and I would rather not have to choose between enjoying the GAME and enjoying the story.

Nah, I think I’ll just play the RPGs I do like while I wait for Blizzard to inevitably reverse this decision. Or do I hate those too? That would fit into your little world wouldn’t it.

I think it’s the biggest molehill issue that both Blizzard the playerbase have contributed to making the mountain it is. I suspect for 90% of the most passionate “Ripcord” folks, it’s not even about covenants anymore - it’s about Blizzard once more seeming to not listen, and the critique there is very fair.

When you’re batting as low as Blizzard is on system design, on the heels of the pure crap design BFA had with Corruption being the “crap cherry”… you probably don’t want to release yet another controversal system that’s going to piss off half the playerbase.

You want the most convenient MMORPG on the planet to be even more convenient because you cannot make a single choice without breaking out in hives.

You want Blizzard to do your thinking for you, options should be erased, and that the game should adapt to you than the other way around.

You are a petty whiner that is still going to play the game despite how much you clearly hate it. Keep on waiting.

Given that players have complained about the importance of meaningful choice in the game for ages I’m going to say it’s a decent decision.

And you and me are on the same page here; I prioritize what makes me happy over whatever the meta says is the best. If I’m running Yifftron (a vulpera prot tank) through ardenweald even though it’s technically better for me to do bastion then thats fine.

And I’m saying that it isn’t as crippling as you make it out to be.

You want the most convenient MMORPG on the planet to be even more convenient because you cannot make a single choice without breaking out in hives.
You want Blizzard to do your thinking for you, options should be erased, and that the game should adapt to you than the other way around.

Boy you must be frothing at the mouth at this point. It has nothing to do with “convenience” and everything to do with seeing through the illusion that this is anything other than a tacked on system for the sake of a tacked on system.
But please, keep telling me how I don’t want to think when I’m advocating for a system that lets me engage with the system even more than now, whereas you’re advocating for “lul just pick the one you like no more thoughts.” Reflecting much there?

You are a petty whiner that is still going to play the game despite how much you clearly hate it. Keep on waiting.

And you are a shallow troll who goes out of their way to bait anyone they can on this topic, because you’ve never had anything worth discussing on it. If it will let you sleep better at night you’re welcome to believe that, even though I’ve already hit that button and will be enjoying my time off until then. It must bother you so much that we’re not the addicts you seem to think we are.

Someone’s projecting.

It has everything to do with convenience. If only Blizzard would make it so you can pick the best ability with your favorite covenant than snowflake won’t have any issues.

Game, adapt around me.

I find it a bit perplexing that you would engage in something you clearly hate.

Given that players have complained about the importance of meaningful choice in the game for ages I’m going to say it’s a decent decision.

The choice isn’t meaningful. It’s just splitting up the playerbase even further. I don’t see anything meaningful about picking a story decision that then makes my gameplay less fun.

And you and me are on the same page here; I prioritize what makes me happy over whatever the meta says is the best. If I’m running Yifftron (a vulpera prot tank) through ardenweald even though it’s technically better for me to do bastion then thats fine .

We are on the same page here, and I’m glad you found a covenant that you enjoy.

And I’m saying that it isn’t as crippling as you make it out to be.

Crippling wouldn’t be the word I would use. Obstructive, maybe. The Covenant abilities aren’t just a single spell (or set of spells) they are also the conduits and soulbinds locked to them. It is, essentially, picking our artifact weapon. It is the major system that we are going to be using for Shadowlands. What I am saying is that some of these abilities just do not interest me in the slightest. I will have no enjoyment out of tweaking their conduits and playing with it, because it just does not interest me at all.

That is the crux of the issue. It would be two years, essentially, with an artifact weapon that I have no interest in earning AP for (if you’ll permit the comparison.)

Oh man this thread is still going.

This is an area I agree with you on. Conduits are Covenant Talents and should be freely changeable. You’re already restricted on the soulbind trees you can use, I don’t think another layer of restriction adds anything when it’s so obviously the same as another system that isn’t restricted.


Then don’t use them. How hard is that?

Thank you, it is completely unnecessary and I’m surprised there are people who still support it. I read the dev’s update and I can fully understand why the ripcord cannot be pulled, at least not in the way we expected it to, but gating features inside already gated features is never a good idea.

And that’s an opinion you are welcome to. I’m personally of the mind that I have 5 characters on thrall that are all ready to head over to the shadowlands and I’m liable to play through all of the stories at some point anyways given that It’ll be 2 years before 10.0 drops. Also, I’m perfectly happy to ignore the meta until it gets to a point where I can’t do so anymore (Mythic raiding, +20s ect), though generally I don’t push that level of content.

Glad we can agree.

So run a different covenant. You have 4 to choose from and the abilties will be reworked and expanded on as patches drop.

Well, that’s more reason to just wait until a later patch then, rather than pay to be their beta testers. But I digress. The point is that it’s not as simple as just “picking a different covenant.” I’ll post the example I gave in another thread to clarify:

I like Kyrian from a character identity perspective. But the Venthyr ability feels more interesting to me, even though I literally could not care less about gothy vampire edgelords. What do I do?
Here’s another one: I don’t always play Enhancement. When I’m playing Resto, the Night Fae ability is far more engaging for me.
So then, what do I pick? The covenant that I like more story wise and want to experience? The ability that I find more fun right now? The ability that is more fun when I’m playing in a group?

So the “choice” is choosing between what I would want to engage with as a system, the one I would like to use throughout this expansion as I collect conduits and modify, and one that I’m not interested in. Or worse, because I play multiple specs, that ability is only appealing to me in the context of one spec over others.

I would be far more interested and engaged with the system if it let me tweak and theorycraft based on what I’m doing. If the abilities were unlocked, I could pick my story/RP for story/RP reasons, and pick my loadouts for loadout reasons. It’s literally win/win.

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