If you are pro-covenant, read this

I’m frankly sick of the cycle of :
Step A) Put forth a junk system to slow everyone down so they don’t get board too quickly. Milk the energy away from the try-hards.

Step B) Once they are weak from the junk system, put forth patch notes with a hint of salvation to keep them interested for a few more months.

Step C) Finally patch it after it no longer really matters and most people have already overcome it.

Step D) Act like your listening

I would honestly rather a Debuff on launch that makes things harder and slowly drops off from week to week, this way we can just start with the fun systems.


Step E) with every system fixed, introduce another broken system that negates what you just fixed

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Intrinsic power is power innate to a character that isn’t attained via in game accomplishments. It directly impacts our rotation and playstyle beyond just speed. Examples would be talents and class abilities also covenant powers

Earned power doesn’t impact our rotation and playstyle and is earned via in game activities it purely increases our strength in direct relation to the content we have done.

No it wasn’t. It was beat by people in 473.6 gear with rank 7 and near perfect corrupts for the time usually multiple specific stat corrupts or echoing void by spending 100s of millions on boes.

They are obviously way better than the average player but the gear difference isn’t as big as you think.

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I just had a mental pic of Blizzard dev’s saying " SHE KNOWS!!!" then scattering like roaches into the nearist office closets.

Except the difference is very extreme between both iterations for balancing.

Balancing 4 covenant abilities might take a month.

Balancing 15+ combinations of them all is going to take much longer.

Welcome to MMO’s.

Leaving is always an option.

Thank you. The only way we will all by what want is to acknowledge the other side and come to a middle ground we can all push. So what if we left them unlocked but give a choice to
Have them locked. Maybe a special quest that shows the dedication to that particular covenant

What are you talking about?

They’re arbitrarily locked. They can be arbitrarily unlocked.

Heck, with us helping all the Covenants, it makes more sense RP-wise to be unlocked or at least have some kind of ability sharing.


In the beginning, I was fine with covenants and figured people were making a bigger deal out of it than it actually is. As time has gone on though, and I’ve learned more about them, I see too many issues with them for it to actually be good for the game.

The only reason anyone gives for being in support of covenants is “make choice matter!!”… Outside of picking a class ability and which armor set you want, it really doesn’t matter. Changes the aesthetic of the zone you’ll be in more often, but outside of that? Nothing really changes. It will be business as usual doing WQ’s and daily chores after.

Blizzard’s idea of wanting to attempt to balance 12 abilities for each class seems mind boggling to me. We’re buddies with all of the covenants - not sure why we’re locked into being “extra buddies” with one.


i like the idea of covenants just not the implementation

i think they’d be better if they either weren’t tied to player power or if you could change them with fewer restrictions (or maybe eventually subscribe to all of them, you did help all of them after all)

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I just find it funny people are stressing over a few abilities that you situationally push every so often. Like if X class isn’t a certain covenant all their other abilities stop working and they can’t play anymore.

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They cannot be arbitrarily unlocked and here’s why.

Each soulbind has points where it modifies your covenant ability for that covenant.

If you give the illusion of freedom of choice by untying the abilities from their covenants without reworking and rebalancing soulbinds from every covenant to modify every untied ability, then you will be shoehorned into picking the base ability for that covenant since you will lose the benefits of the soulbinds.

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Sounds like a problem they should have avoided when they realized this system is already gonna flop and built in a ripcord.

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That is kind of the whole premise of the Shadowlands… you get sent to one covenant when you die based on what best suits you. You work primarily with that covenant.

As for making choices matter… look at it this way: if the only thing that mattered was the aesthetics, and all covenant / conduit abilities were the same no matter who you chose, how much diversity would there actually be? You would have more venthir people than vulpera… Do you really want that?

Yes because I don’t care what everyone else is doing. I’m not going to be hurt because people would pick the same aesthetic as me. I really hope that’s not a legitimate argument…

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I don’t think it would really matter. Having more players in 1 covenant doesn’t matter because it effects nothing (none of these “choices” really effect anything in the game). You’d be seeing people choose the covenant they actually want. I don’t see the harm there.

With the current implementation, all Blizzard is asking people to do is basically choose between some abilities and some armor sets… Armor sets that people will use as transmog for 1 month and then move on. And roughly 12 abilities per class that they will inevitably struggle to balance.

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Except it’s not we are the maw walker. The only person who can traverse the entirety of the shadowlands including the maw and come back. That’s our characters story this expac which is why we help all the covs while leveling and after.

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ALts are good I plan on having alts of different classes but do you really want to make alts of the same class and specs just to have toons for different content ?

Never had to do that in the past so why now

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