If you are pro-covenant, read this

And yet the majority people who have actually spoken about the covenant issue, at all, are for pulling the ripcord. We don’t know what others think, but we know what those who have spoken out about it think. If they don’t give any feedback, then they’re not part of the discussion.

Regardless what is and was best is still separate from what people like. Why do you think people hate min maxing so much still?

No they don’t mean anything at all. WoW does not mean anything anymore really. Everyone just swaps around to what ever the FOTM spec, ability, azarite, ECT.

Balance is impossible because when they change one thing they make something else OP. And everyone jumps on that train until the next one pulls into the station.

I think alot can be learned with how things are run in Classic. You are forced to DECIDE how you want your char to play be it dungeon, raid, or pvp. Your build reflects that and your locked in unless you pay a crazy high fee.( not high enough) I remember folks farming for 12 hours a week just to cover their respec costs. I would like Blizz to take it a step further in both retail and classic. Make a players choices even more permanent. allow respecing talents ECT once a week.

I used to know people on my server by char name. Oh that’s a great tank for A or that’s one of the best healers in group PvP. Now adays I don’t know anyone outside my guild because everyone can fill every role at the push of a button at any given time and place in the game. So now I run around mostly solo. Wow has become a subscription based single player game for me.

For these reasons,

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Covenants should flat out be scrapped. They’re just bad over all and learning more about the soulbinds and how we’re not even going to be playing with full trees when the raid comes out is just laughable. No wonder they tested the raid with basically BFA characters. That’s what you’ll be playing with for the first couple of months.

For real imagine entering a raid with only 3 rows of talents that are actually enabled. What garbage design.

Blizz knows this system is going to be a nightmare so they’re time gating the hell out of it so they have time to fix it before the second raid tier comes out lol. Blizz is like the kid who phones in sick because he didn’t do his homework but also doesn’t want to get in trouble with the teacher.

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“Is there a single good reason why players shouldn’t be allowed to experiment with their builds? With literal player power?”

The only thing on discussion here was ‘literal player power’. If you’d like to have a discussion about ‘intrinsic’ and ‘earned’ power, I’m game, but don’t pretend to speak for the other person I was having a wonderful conversation with.

If you want to split power up that way, could you define it for me, please? I don’t want us to be talking about different things.

Mythic N’Zoth was beaten by people in 450-460 gear with rank 6 cloaks and next to no corruption.

What similarities do talents and corruptions share exactly?

Why do you hate min maxing in a game based on numbers?

Damage dealing?

None is the right answer actually, thanks for playing though. Corruptions are a patch gimmick. Soulbinds are a expansion feature and they’re not even going to be complete until months after the raid has been completely downed multiple times by multiple guilds.

Oops, I misspoke, didn’t mean to put that “I” in that there quote.

I dont hate anyone, I think everyone should do what they wanna do in a game meant for their own entertainment.

Personally I am over it. I would rather they spend a day and gut all the covenant core abilities, clone all the soul binds and call it a day. Then they will all be the same with the only differences being transmog and story arcs. That way the whining over them will finally end and they can focus their time upon other aspects of the expansion.

Yes. It’s called power progression. Why does it bother you so much? Filling them out is the point of playing.

Tell me when you entered a raid with more than half of your talents missing.

Remember azerite gear?

It’s going to be real fun the month after SL goes live and people start running into the problems with covenants being overly restrictive.

nah I didn’t stick around when Azerite gear was introduced. What a terrible god awful system that was.

People like you thought this because all rings weren’t immediately unlocked. Guess what? Play the game and they magically unlock after you earn them. That’s how RPG’s work.

No it wasn’t. It was a subjectively good system that rewarded people for doing what Blizzard pushes (redoing content).

When azerite first game out all the traits were garbage and did barely anything. It was a boring system that turned into whatever the hell it is now where I do more damage with shadowbolts than literally any other spell. Such a good system. Real A+ contender.