If you’re going to make all of these changes, why not balance classes?

if said exploit had a major impact on the game then it is most certainly a major change :slight_smile:


It is a major change. It was left in the game for the entire classic. So was world buffs. Regardless of if it was exploitative or not you can not seriously say that removing either of these completely game changing things is not a major change. You seem to just want to argue with people.for the sake of it.

what I want is for people to leave SoM alone and stop trying to change it into something it’s not.

World buffs aren’t an exploit tho. Go ahead, ask me why

the whole point of SoM is change. change will be coming. bigger and better ones too!

And what I want is for people who are inputting what they think should happen in SoM to of actually played classic. Not come from nowhere, claim they know best based on 15 year old memories and then tell the people are extremely active in said game that they are wrong.

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nope. that’s where you’re wrong
you think some change = any and all changes are acceptable, up to and including creating a whole new game
i’m here to tell you that is incorrect
the changes proposed are all very conservative, basically polishing up vanilla classic by removing some dumb exploits and player metas.

Yeah player meta like 60% raid composition being stacked with rogues and warriors because they outperform all other dps tenfold.

You are clueless about this game

i love world of warcraft

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not all of us give a damn about the warriors and rogues. you know what, maybe they deserve to deal more damage because they, you know, are in melee range. it is inherently more dangerous. this is all part of the genius of vanilla design.

you also refuse to acknowledge that removing WBs from raids is inherently a nerf on warriors and rogues, since they are the classes that benefitted the most from them. will this remove warriors and rogues from the meta? no, but at least the difference between warriors/rogues and the rest of the dps will be lesser.

Just going to repeat this until folks come back to reality and actually grapple with it:

so what. I don’t disagree. if you want to compete in SoM, you better start ASAP. I still anticipate a large core of dedicated players in this initial leveling push.

It is the common reasoning for nerfing mage boosts, however.

“There is nobody to level with 6 months in, they are all getting boosted!”

That is still going to be the case 6 months in, with or without mage boosts. The common reasoning in this case is obviously faulty.

we will still get some amount of new players greater than zero, and these new players should not have the option of getting boosted via a mage. exploits are exploits. and yes, it was a pathing exploit, blizzard said so at one point.

New players don’t have the option of getting boosted by a mage typically. It costs gold.

wow, it’s almost like mage boosting encourages buying gold with real money.

More poor logic. Gold buying will exist with or without mage boosting.

The only way to combat gold buying is to ban bots as well as as players that buy and sell gold.

Again you know nothing about classic. There are not many mechanics that are dangerous for anyone let alone melee. How do you think they do so much more damage than everyone else?

And removing world buffs doesn’t change the class rankings at all for Warriors. Warriors are still at the top. If they buff the HP enough and the fights oom most mana classes they are going to steam even further ahead.

Look at Warcraft logs unbuffed parses and you’ll see fury warrior are still miles ahead.

Learn a little bit about the game before you spout more nonsense. Every post you make makes you look like more of an idiot than the last.


"Mage boosting is not leveling so I will have to disagree with you on that point.

It is just fixing an error that shouldn’t have been a thing in classic.

WBs were also an error and the devs had said they never intended them to be used in raids and stacked. Which is probably why they removed them in TBC."

Agree and I’m a mage :slight_smile:

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