If WoW is P2W, why am I paying $15 a month?

And that’s fine, but time is more valuable than anything you do in the game and money can skip the grind you just did. I find that sort of achievement meaningless.

Yeah but it’s even more pointless if you can P2W it.

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wow being pay to win is the reason I play for free and get things like Diablo 4 for wow gold so I’m fine with this game being pay to win.

Nobody, that’s who. It’s not because of carries, it’s because someone you don’t know in a place you don’t know doing something without you that doesn’t impact you isn’t exactly something to care about.

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How can you be more pointless than pointless? They’re right you’re just wanting to argue for arguing sake


It’s only meaningless if you pay for carries.

Unless you get into the Seasonal Hall of Fame Achievment or earn the .1% M+ title, you’re not really winning PVE…and I dont think either of those are for sale.

Everything else is just playing the game.

Buying carries is paying to not play the game or convenience…not paying to win the game

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They’re from Tich…kinda makes sense lol

As long as you can admit it unlike these other people lol

It’s 100% because of WoW token. If there was no tokens but gold boosting was allowed, you will see 3rd party gold sales and people can say it’s P2W but Blizzard isn’t technically allowing it.

WoW Token is them becoming the 3rd party gold sellers themselves.

No need to get rude because I won this debate.

You can buy R1 Arena spots, i’m 100% sure you can buy all that stuff too.

Top 3 spots in PvE/PvP content will be the two boosters and their customer.

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You are very wrong if you think you can buy either of those. They are both limited quantity and one is only available for a limited time.

Surprisingly (or maybe not), it is for sale! But you probably have to be able to time 21s or 22s in a regular group.

Do you see how dead Arena LFG is? Half those listings are just ads, they claim to sell everything.

Which Billy won’t be able to do an hour after using his mom’s credit card…lol

How does someone sell the .1% title when the presence of a carry would make it impossible to reach that score?

Right now you would have to carry someone to 3202io

There is a huge difference between high-end PVE and PVP.

See above. There is no way for someone to get carried to 3202io. There is also no way that someone could get carried to being the first 100 guilds to clear the Mythic raid tier for each faction.

I dont understand this Billy Arguement.

New raid Content drops and you have 2 palyers.
Player A does the raid, becomes good enough to carry
Player B does non-raid content with intents to purchase a carry.

You arent saving time buying a carry, both players could be playing 8 hours spread over the week. While Player A spends time raiding Player B is farming mogs/mounts, proffessions, M+, world quests, anything else in the game. Both players are just using thiet time differently doing different things. Player A is behind on mogs/mounts and othet stuff compared to Player B as they focused solely on the new raid.

except this is not the same results. the person putting in 100 hours for ksm have more gear, can push higher keys. Can continue to play the game at that level

the person who paid to get the runs for KSM wont be able to push further. Less geared and needs to pay more runs to gear up. Is essentially locked out of the content because they are not good enough. But hey they get to wank off their ksm achievement

If winning means just getting the achievement, sure they won, but its really just fooling themselves by taking a shortcut

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Didn’t realize you could win WoW.

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But the semantics are important in this case. pay to win requires the what you get for paying money be unobtainable in a realistic amount of time from playing normally.

And as for your boosting point, how did the boosters get to the point where they can boost you?

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In order for Billy to buy that carry players had to play the game normally to get the power to do so. Billy did not gain an advantage over those players.

P2W is the direct purchase from the company for an instant advantage over those that don’t pay. As anyone can play the game normally and earn it all, WoW is not P2W.

I can make donuts at my house, with my stove, some dough and sugar, and some oil. So when I go out and spend money on them at the store I’m not paying for donuts. I’m just giving my money to the cashier, not the baker. And I’m not actually purchasing the donuts if I give the money to the cashier.

So to be clear, My argument is that I’m giving my money to the baker through a proxy and I have an option to do them myself at home… so I am not in fact paying for donuts when I purchase donuts.

If this sounds stupid, contrived, idiotic, and patronizing then please understand that’s exactly how stupid most “but it’s actually secretly NOT pay to win because…” posts are when they make this exact argument.

It’s pay to win.
So are most modern games.
It’s more pay to win than most of them, and not as pay to win as some others.

OK! I’ll see you tomorrow when someone remakes this same thread and we all show up to make the same arguments, convincing nobody of anything and further digging into our corners like the stupid children we all are! Have a great day!

WoW is definitely P2W. Only switch the win to whine.

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