Warlords of Draenor was an AU expansion where the Orcs were warned about the Demon Blood and instead killed Mannaroth, enslaved Guldan and the Shadow Council, and became the Iron Horde.
If WOW was to do another idea of an alternate timeline world, what alternate histories would you like to see? How’d you think they’d be different?
A common one suggested is an alternate timeline where Arthas did not cull Straholme and thus didn’t fall into the manipulations of Malganis and Ner’zhul the Lich King, which would lead to him defeating both and becoming the new Lich King.
From what I’d see, this is probably what would have happened:
1: Arthas would probably have become King of Lorderon, and thus became the High King of the Alliance instead of Varian. He probably would rekindled his relationship with Jaina and married her.
2: Since Arthas did not cull Straholme, the Scourge would have spread from there, but not as fast or deadly without him leading them (And Kel’thuzad staying dead)
3: Without Death Knight Arthas, Silvermoon would still be still standing and part of the original Alliance. In fact, the Old Alliance would likely still be standing. Slyvannas would never become a banshee, and likely there would be no Forsaken.
4: Without the influence of the Demons, only the Horde would have gone to Kalimdor. They would have likely been defeated by the Night Elves since, without the demons being brought to this world by Kel’thuzad, there would be no demon blooded Grommash to kill Cenarius, their biggest obstacle.
5: Malfurion would have likely be woken up later and Illidan would still be in prison, as both were called on to fight the demons.
6: Without Jaina going west, Daelin would have not followed her and be killed by Rexxar when he tried to exterminate the Horde. And without his death, Kul Tiras would never have left the Alliance.
7: There would be no Burning Legion invasion, which caused the Night Elves to inevitably side with the Alliance and they’d be their own faction without any external influence.
8: Dalaran would never been invaded by Arthas and their council, including Archmage Antonidas, killed.
Now that being said, there would be things to consider in this timeline:
1: Ner’zhul would still be the Lich King and seeking a host.
2: Deathwing was still active during this time, acting as Lord Prestor in order to gain power and influence in the Alliance and have them destroy Dalaran as he saw the mages as a threat.
3: The Burning Legion would still be a threat, something the Alliance and Horde would not be fully aware of since WC3’s events, which made them aware of them, never happened.
So what are your thoughts, guys?