If WOW Did another AU/What If Expansion, What Alternate Timeline Would You Like to See?

Warlords of Draenor was an AU expansion where the Orcs were warned about the Demon Blood and instead killed Mannaroth, enslaved Guldan and the Shadow Council, and became the Iron Horde.

If WOW was to do another idea of an alternate timeline world, what alternate histories would you like to see? How’d you think they’d be different?

A common one suggested is an alternate timeline where Arthas did not cull Straholme and thus didn’t fall into the manipulations of Malganis and Ner’zhul the Lich King, which would lead to him defeating both and becoming the new Lich King.

From what I’d see, this is probably what would have happened:

1: Arthas would probably have become King of Lorderon, and thus became the High King of the Alliance instead of Varian. He probably would rekindled his relationship with Jaina and married her.
2: Since Arthas did not cull Straholme, the Scourge would have spread from there, but not as fast or deadly without him leading them (And Kel’thuzad staying dead)
3: Without Death Knight Arthas, Silvermoon would still be still standing and part of the original Alliance. In fact, the Old Alliance would likely still be standing. Slyvannas would never become a banshee, and likely there would be no Forsaken.
4: Without the influence of the Demons, only the Horde would have gone to Kalimdor. They would have likely been defeated by the Night Elves since, without the demons being brought to this world by Kel’thuzad, there would be no demon blooded Grommash to kill Cenarius, their biggest obstacle.
5: Malfurion would have likely be woken up later and Illidan would still be in prison, as both were called on to fight the demons.
6: Without Jaina going west, Daelin would have not followed her and be killed by Rexxar when he tried to exterminate the Horde. And without his death, Kul Tiras would never have left the Alliance.
7: There would be no Burning Legion invasion, which caused the Night Elves to inevitably side with the Alliance and they’d be their own faction without any external influence.
8: Dalaran would never been invaded by Arthas and their council, including Archmage Antonidas, killed.

Now that being said, there would be things to consider in this timeline:
1: Ner’zhul would still be the Lich King and seeking a host.
2: Deathwing was still active during this time, acting as Lord Prestor in order to gain power and influence in the Alliance and have them destroy Dalaran as he saw the mages as a threat.
3: The Burning Legion would still be a threat, something the Alliance and Horde would not be fully aware of since WC3’s events, which made them aware of them, never happened.

So what are your thoughts, guys?


Can we go to AU IRL timeline, where it’s BFA again but good.

And they didn’t waste two of Azeroth’s biggest villians on two fairly mediocre patches. :tired_face:

Otherwise, give me another AU Timeline expansion based in the Early Warcraft era.

Before the forming of the Horde, and the current Alliance. Back when High Elves were still largely a thing and Medivh was still around.


I want to see an Azeroth invaded by the Zerg instead of the orcs.


I think a WoWified version of Warcraft 3’s story would be neat, so long as they don’t screw it up. Maybe it could be a conflict with the Infinite Dragonflight or something. But instead of them trying to preserve the timeline they have been corrupted by the Void Lords and wish to undo things. Idk, just a thought.


The timeline where Arthas leaves Sylvanas dead in Quel’thalas and doesn’t raise her as a banshee for sadistic reasons.

So much would change without Sylvanas. Forsaken wouldn’t exist, Lordaeron would either be Alliance or Legion-controlled, Fourth War and Shadowlands would have never happened…


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How about a mirror universe where we fight mirror selves like in Star Trek.

Everything would be in a mirror universe sort of setting can you imagine the chaos?


What will happen to the Horde in this timeline?

Before Arthas can take frostmourne and become the Lich King, Nat Pagle swoops in Leeroy style and grabs it. Then he proceeds to cover Azeroth in a scourge of undead fish

If we’re going with the timeline I talked about, then they’d probably exist in some form but not as powerful.

Without Kel’thuzad, Mannoroh would never have gotten to Azeroth to talk Grom into drinking his blood again to fight Cenarius. And since the Horde was already struggling against the Night Elves without a demi-god helping them, they probably would been driven off to a distant part of Kalimdor.

They’d probably still have orcs, trolls, and tauren, but no forsaken without the events of WC3

Do you trust them not to screw it up?

I don’t think “take something good and risk it being ruined” is a good approach. Honestly, if I’m doing alternate timelines, I’d take something bad, like Catacylsm, and be like “Don’t do that”.

An alternate version of Azeroth after Wrath of the Lich King where Deathwing never wakes up. No Deathwing means no Pandaria, no Pandaria means that Garrosh is still Warchief and doesn’t get corrupted by the Sha. Which means no WoD, no Legion, etc.

It also means that you can set an expansion in locations that no longer exist or have been ruined by the Catacylsm and make them feel fresh again. Gilneas was never flooded and then blighted, Kezan was never destroyed by Deathwing, etc.

Perhaps N’Zoth showed Genn Greymane a vision of the “the true future”, that his son is killed, and that only through the Hour of Twilight can these events be averted, etc. Genn Greyman / Gilneas could make an interesting setting for a raid for instance.

I think this alternate Azeroth would make a better setting for “Light vs Void” as well. Perhaps N’Zoth tries to impose this reality as a valid reality, meanwhile the Light tries to nuke the entire planet because it is a “false truth”.


I do not trust them at all. I was just throwing an idea out there. lol

Alternate time line where after the Burning Crusade we go to the Shadowlands (YES) and stop the jailor with the help of another jailor: Illidon Stormrage
it will be glorious

Murder Hobo vs Murder Hobo.

Or we roll as critters and attack the player bases characters who become NPC for the expansion. Of course an achievement for landing the killing blow on your own characters.


Just do Return to Azeroth or The Invasion of Azeroth and call it good. We don’t need any new worlds. I am sick of it.


I would like a wotlk type expac where the only grinding you needed was for gear and some reps .

What if Arthas took Uther’s advice at Stratholme and remained a good Paladin.

I’d play the heck out of that story line.

I wouldn’t. To me, that’d be no fun. It would probably ruin Arthas for me.

I would like to see an AU expansion in which Chromie is the player character’s girlfriend and you get to do couples’ things through time with her.

The one where Garrosh won and ruled Azeroth, as he should have

i’d like them to run vanilla, tbc and wotlk as one big progression timeline but with added content and some qols for vanilla and tbc.

for example, vanilla gets barbershop, customizations, cheaper mounts available at level 20, guild bank, achievements, limited transmogs, no world buffs, better xp, more flight points, lfg tool added but no reward bag, new raid emerald dream, bg azshara temple and dungeon karazhan crypts. player housing introduced at 60 with architect profession, new races: high elves alliance, ogres horde. runs for 1 year, then on to tbc.

tbc gets flying at 65 and cheaper, guild bank, customizations, tbc achievements, limited transmogs, no world buffs and better xp. lfg tool continues but no reward bag, new raid dragon isles, bg shattrath lower city, dungeon deatholme. remove attunements and add challenge instances instead. housing options increase to include outlands, azuremyst isle and eversong housing, architect improvements. new races same as og, blood elf horde, draenei alliance. runs for 1 year then on to wotlk

wotlk can fly northrend immediately as long as you buy it in outlands. cold weather flying for fastest flight in northrend available at level 75. guild bank improvements. customizations, wotlk achievements, limited transmogs, no world buffs and better xp. housing options increase to include northrend, tanaris and gilneas housing, architect improvements. lfg tool continues but no reward bag. no heirlooms. new raid the great tree crystal song forest, bg hrothgar’s landing, dungeon the ancient lift. new races: san’layn (at 80), vrykul (at 80), gadgetzan goblins, and gilneas worgen. since cata not in progression, snag gobs and worgs. borrow gilneas but omit the cata story. add flight points for san’layn, vrykul, gobs and worgs. runs for 1 and a half years and then starts over at vanilla again.

tada. hehe

optionals: more class options, like helf shaman, belf druids, nelf paladins, human and gnome hunters. add new class specs like lock necromancer, rogue ninja, shaman bard, faery magic druid, etc. on second play thru you can bring added races to your character creation screen. so when you play thru to wotlk, and it reboots to vanilla, all the races added to tbc and wotlk, will be available on your character creation, along with vanilla races.