If we're expanding gender options, can we get rid of class/race limitations?

I know what it is. I’m talking about all the people in this thread having a mental breakdown because non-binary people are “comin’ fer muh vidya gaems.”


That’s not a terrible idea, actually.


Are they introducing new character models with this?

Mix of customization between gender?

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Gonna sit back with my :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: to read all the terrible cishet takes on why expanding the gender choice options is a bad idea.

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Tbh I get confused with those pronouns, but maybe this game will help me commit them to memory. If something small can make someone feel better it’s worth the effort to change a bit.

The nature of most conflicts and problems among large groups:
People are generally too concerned with minor inconveniences to understand more important problems, because it is easier to change a pronoun in sentences than it is to change your ill conceived ideas of what respect really is.

It does not matter how I call someone, or what terms I use, if I still despise what it means.

So you rather be fighting to be respected as a human being, instead of wasting time trying to make people call you the proper “self identifying label” to express their demeaning considerations.

No. Nein. Absolutely not.


Oh so I scrolled up… people are that bothered by something like this? Lol… Some people need a gestalt change.

That is outdated medical beliefs. Stuff from like the 50s.

There’s an upside to everything.


I don’t care about the topic one way or another; however, I will point out how accurate polls are when it came down to the election between Trump and Hillary.

Since then, any “polls” I see are a farce.

Also, 2013 was 9 (almost 10) years ago. Using relevant data would strengthen your attempt at debating a lot more than outdated information.

Anyway, carry on.


It sounds as if they may just be changing the appearance of some mogs/armor.

They did turn a lady painting into a bowl of fruit so maybe they’re going with more chaste, modest armor for the toons.

As it has been stated many times, there are different teams that work on different aspects of the game. This is essentially a UI change. it does not take time away from raids, classes, etc…

Wow. It’s always interesting when these sorts of people accidentally say the quiet part out loud.

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Well you can’t code 2 things at one time, so any time wasted on this junk is time that could have been put into making the actual game better.

What sort of people am I?


Yeah, they should add something meaningful like another 40 renown

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becasue big corproations care about money and apearences more than truth and reality. But it will backfire like very single corproation stupid enough to embrace wokeness.


Giggles i’M mEnTaLlY iLLLLL

The kind that has no empathy or ability to understand perspectives that aren’t yours.

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What do gender options have to do with class/race combinations? I fail to see the relationship

Let us play how we want to play/ identify as/ rp as. Basically. If I want to play an evil cow warlock and rp that story it would be nice to do so for example.

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What does this have to do with gender? I thought they were just adding pronouns so that people don’t get misgendered as much