probably an unpopular opinion but please don’t. race limitations on classes are in place for a reason. Dark Shamans, Nightmare Druids, Void Paladins, Sha Monks ect. Just make zero sense and would be the only conceivable way some of these races would get these classes. They are the antagonists of said classes and go completely against the class fantasy.
Either which way, it’s funny you think it’s bad for one side to be “offended” when the whole reason it would be getting added is because another group was offended.
Well, Dwarves are “extra thicc” and that doesnt make them any good.
Waste of Developers’ time ? Isnt what this forum is all about ?
Because the suggestions that remain the longest at the top are mostly that.
And this has a simple reason: These are the most controversial ones, the ones people most talk about to advocate, to rage about, to troll about, to debunk, to amuse themselves.
That is the thing that suggests if you want something to be good, you ought to never use popularity as a marker.
Come on now, they’re nailing it this expansion with the production schedule. Eight month patches? Feel like I barely get the quest content done before the next expansion comes out.
I welcome the change if it happens. I can only imagine how off the chain AH’s will be new years eve dance party days. It should not be boring for sure.