Sounds like some projection to me.
I would refuse to play with anyone who participates in this system, especially after Blizzard forcing guild name changes over “Make Azeroth Great Again” because libs flipped out over it.
That’s your choice. We should allow them that same choice to refuse to play with you, quite honestly.
Oh. This isn’t relevant at all, really.
I have some helpful tips to assist you in getting through this time difficult time.
I would not pay money because I am a cheapo but I would whole-heartedly support it!
Aaaand here we go. You people are allowed to express your views, and my post is already flagged and hidden. Completely predictable.
You would make the most fabulous demon hunter, let’s not pretend otherwise.
I actually didn’t flag yours I think your views are quite backwards, but at least we are having conversations about them.
Also, yikes here:
Thanks! I appreciate the compliment, I would try to make them the cutest DH out there! Gnomest will give me some serious competition.
Well when you start your first sentence with 'people with severe emotional and mental disorders ’
That’s my opinion on the matter, as well as the overwhelming majority of the country.
No one, at any time, did not allow you to express your opinions. They were expressed, and the consequence of them being expressed is that people did not agree with you or found what you said to be in poor taste.
That seems to be working order for freedom of speech to me, does it not?
Do you have proof for this statistic? I’d love to see them
This study was conducted in 2013. While LGBTQ+ individuals are not widely accepted in all countries, in the United States and most European countries, they are over 70% accepted.
This is an opinion piece, so take that with a grain of salt, but in this piece, a study was conducted that states that 83% of people in America believe that LGBTQ+ relationships should be legal.
If you have any proof that contradicts the above articles, I’d love to have a good discussion about them. Without calling people “mentally ill” of course. That’s just in poor taste.
Your view is way in the past, let go of your hate. We both know you’re in the minority who thinks this way.
Right - but your opinion on a public forum with specific guidelines on calling people mentally ill…
I have fallen into the trap of making my demon hunter look as edgy as he is capable of. I absolutely want to make a cute faerie demon hunter now…
Because some classes just don’t fit with some races and opening that can of worm is not something they can do lightly.
I actually support the removal of… well, a lot of limitations in the game. From classes, races, to even faction limitations; however, I will absolutely concede that you are correct that things like Lightforged Draenei Demon Hunter’s would be so incredibly odd, lol.
social credit score is coming soon
The majority probably don’t care due to having more important things to care about than someone else’s pronoun. Focus on yourself, this change ain’t effecting ya.
That goes both ways, right? Wouldn’t it be getting changed because people are sensitive over pronouns?