If we're expanding gender options, can we get rid of class/race limitations?

Yes makes ton of since you can be a warrior and warlock but do not have the ability to be a DH. Same can be said about you can be a warrior and priest but not a paladin. Most of these folks gave grief about panda race but umm… they were in WC3. It is funny how people choose to what they want to accept.

Class/Race combos needed to be done away with a long time ago. EverQuest knew this and allowed any combo in EQ2. I hope this continues with all RPGs in the future because it causes nothing but problems.

People seem to think Druid forms just magically create themselves.

Other than that though it’s usually just flipping a switch. The druid thing is a real issue though, time is money friend.

Vulpera should have been able to be a Druid, even following the precious lore they meet the requirements. Also, I bet some nice goblin would make that poor Tauren Rogue some nice shoes.

This is indeed an issue.

We know remarkably little about their beliefs.

Personally I don’t think its that bad. There are issues that could use some clarification for sure and it would be infinitely better if Blizzard had kept to racial flavoring for those races as an option after things shifted.

Otherwise they’re not that bad really. imo.

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stuff like tauren rogues undead druids and so on makes absolutely zero sense.

Let’s keep race/class locks a thing

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The tauren who settled in Mulgore were once nomadic in nature and they always had their faith in the earth mother which in turn inspired druidism and later sunwalkers to play a part in their society. I mean just because a group of people are nomadic doesn’t mean they can’t believe in some greater power to save them in their hour of need should their trip turn…dare I say bloody or grim. I mean we vulpera also got people who practice the arts of the mage and warlock, we even got shamans who got a faith of their own. If Vulpera were without faith we’d only have like idk rogues, hunters, and warriors maybe some scholars who got their hands on books and became mages or warlocks, perhaps a monk or death knight but who knows really

Actually it is that simple, I don’t need to assume anything because I’ve done it and while my team wasn’t as big as the one at Blizzard, it works the same way. Just gonna go ahead and add you to the ignore list, good luck spewing your nonsense.

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I’m actually not aware of any in RL or I never did pay attention to it.

And unlike the Tauren, it never truly gets addressed either. It’s just a class they tucked on.

Awww my post was flaged,poor snowflakes


It really isn’t. Good luck on your struggles, though.

Yes, it really is. You not being able to understand it cannot make it untrue.

I cannot at all think of a single nomadic culture in RL that doesn’t have a faith.

Priests (or some form of religious position) easily exists in almost all cultures.

While it would be good to have more information on what Vulpera priests worship or how they function, every race in wow should have the priest class at this point.

Access to the powers has been broadened over time readily enough that everyone should have it.

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Pretty sure “Lore” has something to do with it. In regards to class/race.

I haven’t seen an RPG with all combos where the races also weren’t completely glossed over as just skins. The wow races are actually unique. They have meaning in being selected and the classes available are part of that identity.

There is no wrong / right here, just opinions.

I like the distinction because it gives flavor and depth to the races and establishes an identity. Nothing wrong with that. Other people like all combos because they can play exactly what they want and the options are fun.

But since WoW is currently structured around the races having a more distinct identity, I advocate that it stay that way. Who cares if the Blood Elves specialize in arcane magic if a Tauren can be a mage just as good? Trolls and Night Elves being in tune with nature means nothing when Humans and Goblins can be just as effective druids. To me, that takes something away.

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I play this game with my family and it is hard enough shield or have to explain how mental illnesses are accepted as “normal” by society today. Now if I have to do that in a video game, I will just find another place to spend our money. Many arguing this topic love the science when it fits their narrative but when Biology and Science tells them that there are only 2 sexes and 2 genders, they can’t handle it. Also, male toons wearing female clothes and vice versa is another thing my family does not need to be forced to view. Create different servers, those with values and those without.


Bye then.

Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.


Calling it a mental illness is literally a CoC violation, dude. Like, half this thread should be flagged.

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Your dying game will be dead. So, if you enjoy the lack of content now you will be really happy in the future, I guess.


My family makes new toons, they don’t need to see and I shouldn’t have to explain it. They will probably let male toons wear female clothes and vice versa, again have to explain enough weird in RL don’t need nor want to have to do it in a game we enjoy.

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I went to school for child phycology and it’s called a mental illness in many publications. I see you have 6500 posts, try leaving your computer for a minute and pick up a book :slight_smile: