If we're expanding gender options, can we get rid of class/race limitations?

Give me butcher nails.

I want my Vulpera to know true rage.

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Blizz, make this a cutscene.

EDIT: My only condition - make Gnomest spearheading that gaggle.

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Yup, some super priorities.

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Ah HAH! Angron plays WoW…confirmed!

Oh I have too much sanity to claim that title.

Besides I think you need to put your fist through at least one or two computer screens to qualify.

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My only gripe was not being able to play a Paladin as Undead. Admittedly, that’s extremely lore breaking (cough Holy Priest cough), so I just sucked it up.

New Trolls came along. Problem solved.

I’m not against opening classes to all races. That’s just a really fine line to walk along. I’ll leave those mistakes to Blizzard.

Umm no you literally can’t because if you take away anyone to work on this you are taking them away from actually working on features that will improve the game. This does nothing for the problems in the game, who is going to be looking for this? I keep names off so my screen isn’t more clogged up. There are hundreds to thousands of things that could be worked on or improved that would make the game better, instead of worrying about pronouns.

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Um, yes, you literally can. You make an assumption (you know what they say about assume) of “They work on X, so that subtracts from work on Y.” Software design and workflow is not a simplistic, zero-sum either-or affair. You do not grasp this subject matter.

I don’t think those are quite the same thing, but I agree that removing class/race limitations is a good move and should happen.

Exactly! Having certain restrictions makes the races feel like cultures instead of just a skin choice. If everyone could be everything, then the races lose some of what makes them unique.

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Some things would not make sense no matter how much people try to make it work. But newer options are never a bad thing.

Most likely time to jump off the Titanic at this point. It’s obvious they don’t care about fixing gameplay issues.


Probably don’t make every race be able to be every class, as there are some restrictions that 100% make sense. However there are definitely a lot more combinations they could add quite easily.

you mean like tauren not being rogues as their hooves can’t be quiet? That or like idk… blood elves can’t be shamans or something? Speaking of shamans I still say the vulpera totems are adorable as sin but why can’t vulpera be paladins? I mean vulpera can be priests but not paladins?

Perhaps a fatal developer mistake which went through without authorization and was too late to change. It makes no sense for a nomadic folk being bound by faith.

Now you’re just making stuff up

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I’m curious as to the ratio between those that will take advantage of this as a sign of victory and those that will take advantage of it to mock and make fun of the others. Tune in later on the forums for the feedback . . .

What? Nomadic groups often have faiths…

(honestly I can’t really think of a nomadic culture without some form of faith…)

Why would you think otherwise?


China is against this.


Well, that issue aside, I am not sure how Vulpera can be Priests or what they worship. The Priest class is a big lore mess in general, in my opinion.