If we're expanding gender options, can we get rid of class/race limitations?

What lore?

No one ever sticks the flounce.

They make an overdramatic exit post sounding like they’re done with something and can’t be concerned with it anymore, but then they can’t just leave.

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I’d make a gnome druid if possible.

Race and class restrictions are stupid and should be removed.

Either you’re a liar liar pants on fire or it was a long while ago since you last held any scholarly source on the matter.

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No, all of the class/race combos make sense

Oh I’m so scared of the perpetually outraged alt-right leaving.

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Do they think we’re going to miss them or something?

Like yeah I’m totally going to miss the casual usage of slurs in party chat during pugs. /s

I’m sorry but can someone explain what this change is? I thought every piece of gear was Unisex. I’m not trolling, I genuinely don’t know what the change is supposed to be.

I think its mainly for what NPCs refer to you as in quest text and voice lines.

Not really.

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I don’t think we actually know, it’s just a few lines of text in the code that were added. Could be for a ton of things, characters, gear or NPCS are some of the options

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This is a game where science and biological science doesn’t mean anything or matter at all. I’m not sure why folks get mad at clicking a box to call themselves whatever in a game. It’s fantasy rpg.

ok… we got a Xandir from Drawn Together for the Bikini skimpy set in both gender.

I would put a video referring to this character, but I don’t know how much I am in front of those who control the forum so I will only mention his name.

But tell me, what is the reason for your thread? especially that I do not understand a little.

Explain this

We need the “Beer Belly” option for Orcs

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That actually sounds really nice.

I would like that.

Still a tad…confused how null gender or None on the gender list works or would even look. The both one makes me think we’d see male frames with breasts or flat ladies but idk…that seems … well i can’t say it sounds wrong as hey we got that IRL it…just seems…different. Just seems like you can’t truly go into depth about a both genders kinda thing with a T rating… as it could be a lot more complex than people could guess

But it could be for gear appearances, NPC races, stuff like that might explain it too. It’s a lot of guessing off a little bit of code

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