If we want player housing instead of another raid

How about Player Housing…and another Raid.

Hell why is it still only 1 large raid every couple of months.

Throw in some Onyxia and Gruuls in there. Spice it up a bit.

We shouldn’t have to risk a whole raid tier for more content lol


The vote that doesnt exist.

So yeah. i am confident in what I said.


…this is part of the discussion.

If we want something to happen, how do we as a community go about it?

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It’s not about democracy. It’s about what keeps people playing. You can argue this would keep more people playing. It might. It might not. The majority of people who buy expansions are tourists and leave quite early.

It’s difficult to try and appease those groups while knowingly alienating those who stay

If it doesn’t work out now you’ve lost both groups. If they’re gonna do this they need to do it without sacrificing raid…

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There is nothing you or I can do to create an accurate “vote” on the subject matter.


People would mostly riot lmao. WoW needs to keep it’s M+/Raiders happy. It’s like giving the troll under the bridge food so that they don’t attack you, but then you also need their money.


pretty much. because that’s essentially what they have left of their playerbase.

Correct, or no?

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Correct pandabro

I believe its this way because a dev said that’s what they’d have to do to if they wanted to do something like player housing.

So if that’s the case then…why not just do it?

Friendly reminder that Garrisons were Blizzards attempt at a player hpusing feature. Be careful what you wish for, because I guarantee you they will monkeys paw it up by tying it to player power progression… or by making everything a preplaced item swap lile how you could only place Garrison statues in specific spots or could only say “Put christmas stuff up” and everything appears preplaced with no possible finetuning… or shoving the vast majority of the cosmetics or patterns into high end content and/or on a vendor for several million gold, not to mention the cash shop…

And this is without presuming that whatever blizz makes will be very barebones and there will only be, like, 20 cosmetics total.


I do not except the failed logic that we need to give up a raid season for player housing. Just hire another team to work upon it, you will need to support and update it constantly and they can’t just keep coming back and saying “well we need another raid season for that”. This concept sets a bad precedent, what next we give up a season of world content and mythic+ so we can get armor dyes?

Who knows. The statement changes based on whatever point a person wants to make.


“WoW devs are so bad that everyone but the raiders quit”


“Non raiding casuals make up the most of the playerbase and WoW devs needs to listen to what pays their bills”

Its schrodinger’s playerbase.

Thing is I wouldn’t really be opposed to them adding player housing, its insanely popular in both ESO and FF14 and I’ve enjoyed it to some extent in those games; but if it came at the cost of a raid tier I would be vehemently against it.

Resources. I mean look at the content droughts we get with raid.

Look at how difficult it on this engine just to try and make cross regional trading. Try to build something brand new from the ground up that won’t be half baked.

Think about all the ideas wasted. Torghast, isle expeditions, command tables, warfronts.

Those didn’t last very long before people said no, thank you… If that happens to housing… ooooh boy…

If… And that’s a big if because I don’t think they should… If you’re going to do player housing you better knock it out of the park


I can’t speak for others but seeing how quick people left their Garrisons behind,pretty sure same thing would happen with player housing.

People would get bored with it after a bit and move on to something else.


That’s more of an issue of how Blizz loves to make single-expansion use features and then let it rot away in the underarms of a sweaty gamer


To be fair. If it’s not used… Abandon it.

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Just sharing my opinion for the record:

I would love housing. Housing is fun, I’d like to have a place in the game world to call home instead of all my characters being Hobos. and, Player Housing is just an absolute unparalled money printer. This has been shown in many other MMOs. There is nothing that WoW can do right now that would make them more money than Housing and Housing cosmetics.

I just recently started engaging with Garrisons and I really like it as a Housing system so far.


I would not want the devs to sacrifice any other content for Housing though. If Housing comes at the expense of Story content, Raids, Mythic whatevers, or any other actual content, then I’m alright with just having my Garrison.

Ideally, they just teleport Garrisons to Azeroth and remove the things from it that “destroy the game world” or make cities empty or whatever.

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Well , thing is it’s on players as well,unless said players maxxed out everything in their garrison and have every nook and cranny opened.

We all have the hearths for that area unless we pushed them off to the side and portals to get to the areas well,so basically players can go back at any given time and keep working on it.

I can see the same thing happening with housing if they do even bring it into the game.People will get bored or tired of it and move on to the next thing or just get fed up with it and never go back to it.

There’s the problem. Blizzard pays their employees abyssmal wages, and their employee turnover is very high as a result. They also very frequently take employees off one project and throw them at another, even for entirely different games. Current Blizzard doesn’t want to spend more on employees, so they’d never hire an additional team to focus just on this one feature. And even if they did, it wouldn’t be long before they were given another assignment, or moved on to another job thus forcing Blizz to replace them, meaning it’d be impossible to keep an experienced staff working on this feature and design philosophy would change frequently.

Until Blizzard starts treating their staff properly, of course a feature this big will cost a raid tier. Because Blizzard refuses to properly manage and pay their staff, and so any new feature they make they have to drag staff in from somewhere else temporarily.

And that’s also assuming housing won’t be abandoned like so many other new features in recent expansions