If we want player housing instead of another raid

I honestly get why ppl wouldn’t want to sacrifice a raid tier for housing. I also can’t imagine housing in this game being anything amazing its just like storage wearhouses in other games. For the most part, there’s occasionally something unique. However if u want to really build or world build, learn blender3d or download minecraft and go at it in creative. NMS too has some building potential.

I wouldn’t mind something like the garrisons again i know ppl said they made the world feel empty, butt the world already feels empty anyway.

Like in Venthyr land they could have added in a castlevania castle we could furnish out some to our liking our covenants where kinda like that a tiny bit once we upgraded them.

Anyway wow is not much of a game for immersion, there is lots of gameplay related content aside from raids and M+ I would rather see instead of something immersion breaking like walking into someones second life or FF14 pent house full of cat lady statues