If we got a permanent broom mount

What temporary Hallow’s End mount should they replace it with?

  • :jack_o_lantern: Flaming Jack-o-Lantern
  • :horse: Headless Horse
  • :ghost: Toy that makes any mount into a ghost.
  • :vampire: A cape that lets you fly like a vampire.

Or maybe you have some ideas?


I want Mages to polymorph themselves into a Raven.

That would be so kick***.


Got my vote…! :relieved:


I think they should keep that mount the way it is and add a different permanent broom mount that follows normal mount rules.


I love, love, love this idea!!!


A swarm of small bats surrounding you and carrying you through the sky.

And we’ll call it the Batmobile :bat:



I’d like an HD version of the horsemans mount.

But it actually has to look like the original model, unlike midnight’s reins.


I have a strong dislike of the stereotypical witch aesthetic, at least when it comes to fantasy games and such. It just feels a bit too fairy tale-ish for me. Or like Harry Potter if that’s your thing. I don’t like wands. I don’t like the pointy hats. I don’t like the green crooked nosed witches in Drustvar, and I don’t want to see broom mounts outside of Halloween.

Fight me.

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Nah, we’re cool.

This sounds cool!


The list should really stop there :astonished:

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I know right? How cool would a ‘Horseman’s Head’ mount be?!

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Once upon a time there was a permanent broom mount, way back when Scarlet Monastery first started having the Headless Horseman event.

Just to put that out there.

Flying Mop: My time has come…

Alright serious-ish time…Hmm…If I had to go by just that list…It would be…

That would be my first choice of the list. But, the cape would be my Second choice. I picked it over the cape because-

  1. I can think of some Roleplay uses for it outside of Halloween if it actually stayed long term (which of course does defeat the point of the temporary aspect, I’m just not a fan of Items like this or the broom being temporary.)
  2. Combine it with the Scroll of Aeons and you could go full Ghost Rider.

Now if I had to offer something different and it -HAD- to be limited to just the Halloween event…I’d say do Skeletal versions of the Gryphon & Wyvern, then add the Ghost visual to make a see through body for them. That way at range they look like Ghostly Gryphons & Wyverns. But, as soon as you get up close, you can actually see their bones on the inside of them.

And for a bonus mount suggestion. -IF- Blizzard ever feels like giving the Headless Horseman Mount a break for at least one season to update it’s model. I would love to see-

A 3 Seater Chariot pulled by two Ghost Horses that uses magic instead of chariot wheels and both the Magic & Horses are done in a green ghostly glow. But, if you take it to a new NPC outside of the cities, you can pay to have the Chariot, Magic, & Horse colors changed to suit your personal tastes.


Lets get a perma Broom mount first

It boggles my mind that in an expansion crawling with winged npcs (literal angels, fairies and gargoyles) we still haven’t gotten some form of ‘wings as mount’ that would give our character wings and let them fly in fly-able areas. Bat wings for Venthyr, feathered for Kyrian, fairy for night fae and…ermm…edgy bone wings for necrolords?


The bigger travesty is 17 years in and we still have no duck mount!


they have been giving us borrowed travel conveniences each expansion - i would be totally amazed if we got a permanent broom.

Who’s a good Worgen? Look I have a ball, GO GET IT!


Can’t help you with a raven but if you wanna poly yourself, just try to poly a warrior with spell reflect up :rofl: