How so? It’s pvp and the sharding system already makes it balanced. If people don’t participate in it, why would they put resources into remaking something they removed?
And beside, that crz part would just attract rare/mount farmers that don’t want to do any pvp.
My first realm back in BC was Lightning Blade which was PVP but I switched to Gilneas (PvE) after a few minutes in Stonetalon. Not my cup of tea. I don’t see the difference with warmode, except with being able to withdraw from pvp at will.
Which is ironic cause getting off those pvp realms was the one answer everyone was parroting whenever someone complained about ganking. You got what you wished for I guess.
Including those of us that want an old school PVE server, so PVP can happen spontaneously, but you don’t have to live in constant danger. And no, warmode just isn’t the same.
Allow free transfers onto and off of said server(s) (with the caveat that characters transferring TO the server need to have been created there first) and fine, I’m on board with the idea.
Yes I did. I grew up on a PvP server, Ysondre actually if you must know. That was the server my dad played on, and to be able to play my siblings and I had to play on his account in his guild. I got my own account at the end of Wrath. In Cata, I made a character on Wyrmrest Accord, and never looked back.
Nothing fun about trying to lvl in STV or wherever and being ganked by a lvl 60, 70, or 80. Unless you played on a server that was leaning more towards your faction, it wasn’t fun on a PvP server. Warmode offers more balance than PvP servers ever did.
That being said, if they ever brought them back, I wouldn’t play on them. I’m not fighting against them, but I’m not voting that they should bring them back. You have classic if you want PvP servers.