If we Ever Go back to faction war if ever... Can Alliance get the bad bat?

It wasn’t so much that the faction war was stupid but the constant “oh balls! A threat we must band together to conqueor” followed immediately by “ok, let’s get back to the business of killing one another”.

I think the Alliance if done right, would make a far more compelling villain than the Horde ever could be. Everyone already expects the Horde to be evil due to it’s beginnings…

Horde are the evil faction. Ofc they are bad

isn’t like, the whole plot of the warcraft universe that ally ARE the good guys?
like, in lore before the mmo?

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While I’m a massive fan of the Alliance vs Horde faction war, they killed it off for good in WoW.

It would be beyond forced at this point if they bring it back. The evil leaders in the Horde have been removed and past grievances between the factions are dealt with.

With the Forsaken being friendly to Gilneas the only way I can see another war starting is if the Horde start acting up once again for more resources, but I’m sure they can trade with the Alliance now so that won’t happen.

Alliance side it will never happen now, there is no way the leaders would support one kingdom going unhinged and starting up a war while the Horde became so soft. Even if a single leader was corrupted it’s not like everyone is going to ignore that and start up a war anyway.

Yes, but that was against the Legion, an enemy he’d been fighting for centuries. Beyond that, he’s shown no sign of being a bend-your-knee-to-the-Light-or-die! type like Yrel has become.
If something irreversible happens to Alleria, that could change.

Okay, what about his on-display bigotry in BfA? You gonna make excuses for that, too?

I like being the bad guy. Stop retconning it later when we do something cool.

I honestly don’t remember Turalyon being in BfA, what “bigotry” are you talking about?

The Alliance are eating the tauren!

War time!

I have no issue with that but I doubt they would do it. I enjoy a bigger pool of players to group with and like see the horde races in my party.

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Says the human wearing orc armor.

I approve.

Sure, I could do you a warcrime or two. Since you asked so nicely.

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