If Turalyon becomes king, I want the option to leave the Alliance

No, I actually know his entire backstory.
So do you have an answer to my question?

If you knew his entire backstory, did you even pay attention to Legion, where he agreed that his own wife should be imprisoned? Or how about how he supported without question that Naaru who wanted to bind and change Illidan? All you had to do was pay attention to him in Legion to know that.

Good, Illidan is a evil criminal.
As for his wife I cant speak on however neither of these things really make him a zealot.

A zealot is a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.

Sylvanas is having his love child demon baby and they will take over Azeroth, the child will be the new Lich King

This just proves to me that you don’t know the lore that well.

So you didn’t play Legion?

Yes. They do. Go play Legion.


Ok you don’t have an answer, got it

If Blizzard was capable of writing their way out of a paper bag, that could be an interesting plot point. The Alliance turning more theocratic and how the various factions could deal with that.

But lol.

I answered your question. You told me “no” after making it clear you don’t understand much of the lore and didn’t play Legion. So go play Legion. And pay attention this time.

No you didnt, you repeated to play the expac I 100% am willing to bet you started in if you don’t think Illidan is evil.

Paladins can’t be king.

Paladins are a support class. Not a main character.

This is why Arthas rerolled death knight.

Honestly, I just REALLY hope they do something else than make Turalyon some generic Light-obsessed xenophobe. We’ve had a lot of that with the Scarlet Crusade, and while I think those make for fun bad guys, I would hope that given Turalyon’s history as being one of the most truly legendary figures in the Alliance, he might actually shape up to be a bit more interesting.

Even if he’s not directly on-board with other ways of life, being someone who is able to say “My faith will always be in the Light, but… Lothar gave his life so that people from all walks of life could live in peace, and to do otherwise would dishonor his memory”.

Also… I can’t put my finger on exactly what it is, but something just looks a bit… “off” with his appearance? I dunno, maybe I just haven’t spent enough time around the character. I DO like his little “bracelet” or whatever, it gives a little personality to him.


Answered. And again, all you did was say “Illidan is evil,” which isn’t true and “I can’t speak on that,” meaning you don’t even know the storylines.

Honey, I’ve been here since Vanilla. Poor attempt.

If you think Illidan is evil, then you clearly don’t pay attention to the storylines or read the novels or do the side quests.

You’re done.

This is why you don’t listen to elves, folks.

Then you didn’t pay attention, “honey”

And I told you that’s not what zealot means. If you don’t like the character that’s fine, don’t use words that don’t apply

The Broken would like a word with you.
Take your own advice and go play BC

Hey, looking forward to Turalyon taking over.

Annnnnd raiding him like, next expansion.

Come on, it’s Travis Willingham. It’s Travis Willingham yelling at you. Like this

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Genn should be High King.

Genn is based.

What’s wrong with Turalyon?

Night Elves should’ve stepped away a long time ago tbh. I still can’t get over how an ancient and proud elven civilization decided “hey lets follow these Humans!”


Idc how long i’ve mained alliance, if that happens? I. AM. GONE.

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