German Interview about Dragonflight:

Lore Highlights:

  • Ancient dragons - once defeated and locked away by the Aspects - who spoke out against the Titans’ empowerment rise again

  • Anduin will be most likely given up his title of heir of stormwind…and as high king of the Alliance. We will learn more during 9.2.5

  • Khadgar will play a big role…like before. Wrathion will not play the same amount of a role, but will play a crucial part in the expansion. Khadgar shall have an deep connection toward the dragons, especially khalegos is mentiod.

  • The world is in an uneasy truce. There are Alliance and Horde troops just waiting for an opportunity to strike, others are for closer cooperation.

  • no revamp overall, maybe a few parts in the ek, kalimdor or og and sw , and the sword of argeras is…not more then a splitter


Hopefully the idea of a high king will go with him. Even as a Hordie never made sense to see 10,000 year old elves led by an 18 year old, or even Varian for that matter. Much less the Draenei


I also hope that, to have a military leader…yes, that makes sense, that’s what the Supreme- Commander was for, but you don’t need a “High KING”, that was always a filth concept and totaly against the spirit of the alliance as a whole.


You do realize we still have Turalyon as Supreme Commander again? He hold effectively the same position.

Honestly, depending on how WoW’s story progress he might just do a return of the king style comeback in a few expansions. But we’ll see.

yeah, but its no longer called high king, the high king of the alliance as a title makes no sense…and anduin did nothing to really earn this title in the first place…his father aswell didn´t do anything to really earn it.


Phrasing is still better. IRL calling Eisenhower Allied Supreme Commander would be fine, but not President or Leader of the allies.


This is Blizzard and rule of cool is high king just sounds fancier/more appropriate to an actual king as oppose to Supreme Commander which does sound like abit of a downgrade.

In any case unless a faction war is happen it probably wont matter one way or another. This does mean however Blizzard not keen on giving up the faction conflict and we are essentially back to Vanilla style cold war. Also, we know we are getting a new battleground so low level conflict will likely continue.

if the fanbase of the alliance would have not intervened, the human empire dream would become true…


Oh please, neither Varian nor Anduin cared for some grand human empire. All they wanted was to keep their slice of land safe.

but the devs cared for them…and its still wrong that this humanshow is an the expend of the other alliance races.


Expense? You do realize Stormwind had crater a for 3 expansions and Theramore is still a ruin? Humans get more exposure because they have always started with more and if anything else the recent events in WoW have merely brought them back from what they were. Hell, Vanilla had Stormwind as the last bastion of human power.

Look, the night elves will be fine, the seed of a new capital is literally being planted.

The Human characters are hyped at the expense of the strengths and characters of the other alliance races, so much so that it makes zero sense and you’re supposed to feel it that it only serves to hype a Human character here that they can even remotely somehow keep up with the other - much older - races.


Thanks for sharing.

Cool, that’s the most interesting part for me.

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you´re welcome ;:wink:

yeah, i found this detail very sad too

Oh please, they are no more or less hyped then any of the other races. Yes Jaina/Varian/Khadgar were powerful, so would say Illidan, Malfurion or Tyrande.

they were hyped on the backs of the other races…malfurion, tyrande, illidan…were not hyped in the same way and on the same kind of hyping…tyrande appeared nowhere to show how dumb and…stupid humans are and can´t even …do plans they used for thousand of years …


Oh please, all of the night elves have slowly been given power boost over the year/gained prominence. Malfurion got his horns in Cata, Illidan became the choosen one/got to reject it will still remaining powerful and Tyrande was always a chosen of Elune/now night warrior.

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The problems here are NOT power but that apes are being used…to form some idiotic storyline, and the Wrynns are apes, both Varian and Anduin…at the expense of the other races…and that you don’t see that…just shows me how little sense there is in discussing this with you. You want to know why Human Potential is a problem? Because it’s at the expense of other fans, that’s why.


This has to be a joke right?

Last time I checked a splitter doesn’t make you bleed all over your body. Causing the micro-organisms that live on your skin to try and patch them up asap or their host body dies. (relative to Azeroth, the PC’s are micro-organisms).


Not saying I agree or disagree, but Marfurion had Antlers back in Warcraft 3. He actually started growing them right at the end of the War of the Ancients. He just got a new model in Cata.