This is true, but when they harbor the same hatreds for the same reasons, it is odd.
Always eager to push your desires over all, I see.
I hate him for being a blind zealot who was okay with his wife being locked up by a Naaru.
If he is willing to stop giving the Horde a free pass, sign me up!
Don’t hate the Golden Daddy, he’s what the Alliance needs.
Turalyon is truly the most based individual since Garrosh.
Anduin will help sylvanas, they enter a romance. then anduin and sylvanas comes back, anduin kills turalyon and marries alleria and keeps sylvanas as his mistress
Game says “lolno”.
Besides, uhh… Turalyon being a hothead may lead to interesting stuff…
… Right?
(I’m recovering my lost brain cells from all the shipping posts)
That would truly be the worst time line. Sylvanas sees Anduin as a little brother figure. Gross.
does she? she did stab him and made him bend to the domination magic
how sisterly. /s
Horde have lost how many Warchiefs? and the Forsaken are down a Banshee Queen. You guys can deal with having a leader that nobody wanted for once.
Jailer made her do it or something. Because storyline.
but in the book Anduin reminds her of her little brother. That is why she feels so guilty about dominating him with the arthas sword.
ah yes, the books. ofc. not like this could be in the game
My brain cells...
yeah I saw your reply to someone else. That’s fair. I think she is kinda nuts for being like “your friends are kinda mean and you are okay with it, but I wuv u ne way”
I think they’re both nuts. LOL
The ship has sailed when he literally became a light-infused zealot though.
Anduin is a light person too though.
Even more reason for him to not be given control of anything more important than a Qwik-e-mart out somewhere in the middle of Nevada.