If Turalyon becomes king, I want the option to leave the Alliance

Finally. A REAL king. I will King Turalyon into the depths of hell. Death to the Horde and all those who would oppose the light’s will

He doesn’t blindly follow, though.


prepares popcorn to watch the chaos unfold

Well if none of this works out ima mole machine my asss back to my mountainhome

I’ve lightened up about Anduin while listening to this Sylvanas book… he’s a smart dude, got a bit of an edge to him.

I haven’t read it. I just can’t bring myself to have them justify Sylvanas.

actually yes

Cool maybe we will see Turalyon man up and allow the alliance to drop big fancy gnome bombs or just wipe out Org or Silvermoon.

Maybe we can have our moments of destruction of horde filth cities.

I mean Garrosh and Sylvanas did it no problem

We demand justice.

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No more cities wiped out. The shock factor is just bad writing and I hate that we’re missing two cities. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Okay… what if…we put Xe’ra on the throne?

She ded. Good and disintegrated.

Although… with Turalyon there, that’s basically what you have now anyway. LOL

Aw, c’mon, Xe’ra just wants a hug…

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I’d like to see an updated Quel’thalas for Horde questing only obviously related in real time to the story, and the same thing for Alliance w Gilneas an Alliance questing only zone w updated Gilneas.

And then the same thing w NEs in Kalimdor and Forsaken rebuilding in EK.

Not more destruction of cities though.

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That I could understand.

Why? It doesn’t make sense.

Let’s not forget, Turalyon’s only child is a half-human mongrel.

The alliance will never accept half-breeds as an heir to the throne!

I still think that may be Nathanos. I don’t know why Anduin would make her feel comfort and hope.

He just makes me feel existential dread that any moment he might burst into another speech… :confounded:

Thallia, if I have a Gnomish Device that would allow you to regress you back to a proto-elf form and blend in with the Horde.

Darkspear or Zandalari.

Which would you choose? o,o

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Just pay for faction transfer