If this is the kind of storytelling 10.2 give us then I'm not hyped

And that has been my biggest gripe with this game if you don’t read the books. Wow MMO leaves out way to many holes to fill in…and honestly it should be that way

I’m confused, it should leave the holes or it shouldn’t?

I couldn’t have been more clearer

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The more I think about it, the more I hate Sylvanas as a character. Or at least, the direction they went with her. They took the easiest way out and said “oh her soul wasn’t whole, that’s why she killed thousands of people and all those other horrible war crimes” it’s because they want to keep using her as a character maybe. Or maybe they couldn’t make the villain seem bad enough. I dunno.

She was broken, tortured, and lied too. But she was evil. Just as evil as Arthas.

unlike real life, maybe we can move on past our differences in 3 years…5 I guess if you count SL expansion time.

Just more therapy and emotional stuff in Dragonflight. No surprise here.


This is like expecting jews to make up with the national socialist party. Lilian Voss is still a card carrying member of the forsaken. Night Elves should want nothing to do with them after the literal holocaust that was teldrassil.


the undead still have all their concentration camps and mass murder of groups you are conditioned to not like.

And what is that supposed to mean?

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Sylvanas and Illidan novel when are they asked to talk about their feelings, give me the page number.

You want examples of character having feelings in the books?

“He strode past the dazed forms and out of his prison, knowing in his heart that before this was over, he would be named Betrayer once more, and he would deserve it.”

“fear is fear if you allow it to rule you it doesn’t matter of what you are afraid of”

What are we doing here?

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So you can’t read.

Oh so it’s specifically being asked about their feelings that makes this terrible writing.

I’m starting to think this isn’t really about Warcraft at all.

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You’d be surprised. Take a closer look to some news from out of Europe and the US.
In many 3rd world countries, there’s genocide today, and hugs tomorrow. Money talks.

Now, sure, in a fantasy world like WoW where money is secondary, I can understand your point, but shouldn’t we be going back further then?

Death knights allowed into the ranks of the Alliance?
Trolls allowing elves into the Horde?

I used to read the books.

I read many of the books.

Then I stopped reading the books.

Because the books are terrible.

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Nozdormu gently lays his head on Alexstrasza’s shoulder, as Chromie hugs his leg

Kalecgos can be heard softly whimpering in the corner

To be undead is to lose your humanity. No more heartbeat, no more love, and all the niceties of life. What remains is a sliver of what was once your soul. It represents the jaded, abused, ruined by circumstance part of humanity that has given up on the universe/God. God turned their back on them, so they turn their back on God and take what they deserve. Death to the living. This is the underlying archetype of the forsaken and why they resonate.

By writing characters that behave in ways that contradict this archetype and act like regular humans with all of the feelings and behaviors of normal humans, it betrays the world and the character of their race. It shows that the writers do not understand the lore they inherited. Players intuitively feel that something is off and that’s true for many aspects of the game.


‘Death to the living’ is an incompatible stance with Horde membership. Hope that helps.

Plus, again, you can have noble Forsaken that do they best to cling onto that last sliver of themselves and win themselves back from that dangerous abyss.

Lilian Voss says: You can’t keep all that anger bubbling around in you like a cauldron, You need to talk to someone. Talk to me.

Shandris Feathermoon says: I have been living with these memories for eons. I don’t know a life without them haunting my mind.

Lilian Voss says: Someone told me that we all have pieces of our past that haunt us. But we’re working towards a better future–together.

Shandris Feathermoon says: I… Would like that.

Lilian Voss says: I would too. Rest for now. We’ll head back to Amirdrassil when you’re ready.

What do you think of this dialogue lingxiu?

Versus something like this.

Lilian Voss says: “Your anger, your memories, they simmer within you like the darkest of curses. Why suppress them?”

Shandris Feathermoon says: “I have been living with these memories for eons. They’ve become shadows that chase me endlessly.”

Lilian Voss says: “Such shadows, such memories… they make you stronger. We Forsaken have learned that our torments can be weapons. Use that rage as fuel when we face the druids of the flame in Amirdrassil.”

Shandris Feathermoon says: “To harness such darkness… can it truly lead to victory?”

Lilian Voss says: “It did in Darkshore…”

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