If this is the kind of storytelling 10.2 give us then I'm not hyped

Shadowlands left a pretty bad legacy for WoW. A lot of people got burned by what would have been a comfort during Covid shutdowns.

Doesn’t make Alextraza a “rando read head no one would recognize”


I do care about the story.

It’s the “factions need to go away because I feel bad about hall of fame” people that need to shut up.

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To be fair. Denathrius had some of that fun comfort when he had the perfect timing ever when his trailer said “In these…trying times…” like all those cringey covid commercials lol.

Bit of a happy accident that cuz that stuff had to have been thought up ages in advance.

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If you took a survey of the people who habitually buy an expansion every 2 years, play for the month, and then quit for 2 years again, and showed them the Dragonflight cover character, and asked, “Who is this?” I bet the most common answer would be “… Jaina?”

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So? I don’t know the names of all those Baldurs Gate characters but that’s not a bad thing.

( Look I just looked up Astarion because I had that Neil Newbon bias. The rest I’ll learn when I eventually play it )

Edit: Oh wait there’s also a really funny hairless cat in it. I think he’s called His Majesty. I know that character too.


You are incorrect. But that’s not surprising, given how you came into this conversation.

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So that’s what I said before and people told me I was wrong. Glad you’ve come around.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Haha, people don’t care who is on the cover, they only care that the cover says “World of Warcraft!” Your argument falls apart completely when you consider Mists of Pandaria and the fact Chen only appears for a split second in, I want to say Warcraft 3! Alexstraza has been around since Warcraft 2! The reason why no one cares about Dragonflight is because dragons in WoW are boring! Throughout the games history, they have only been used as tools to advance the plot! It wasn’t until Cata that they took more of a leading role and in reality, it was only one dragon, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

They cannibalize people.

I think there’s even a tailor that uses human skin for capes.

How is that not evil?

bad story continues in wow

more at 11

It was Sylvanas who burned the Knight Elves’ stump and by then she had split with the Horde. By then many Horde factions were forming partnershiips with the alliance.

Nah I guarantee you they would say Alextraza

Most would call that being cowards or traitors.

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Not likely. They would argue that they didn’t leave Sylvanas, she left them to go be the first lieutenant for the Jailor.

And their first instinct was to surrender to the Alliance?

Very compelling, mind you the Sylvanas “arch” was a complete dumpster fire.

I agree with you 100% and any good will both factions have for each other feels so unearned. But its whatever for me honestly.

I just want Blizz to committed what the is Horde. Justified conquers or do nothings. So far I like how things are in DF. The expedition in the dragon isle’s is a 100% joint effort of the Horde and Alliance and not a “You stay on your side” kind of relationship. Some of them even brought there children with them.

In your opinion and in the opinion of the forum “echo chamber”. For me, SL was one of my favorite expansions.

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I think more people would’ve been happy if we brought her skull back to Azeroth.

You know…provide some closure to the warmongering factions between Horde and Alliance.

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Sure they probably would. Of course Anduin did pretty much the same thing Sylvanas did, although he had a lot less time and Jaina committed genocide against the Blood Elves in Dalaran.

But then there’s a different standard for the Alliance. All that is forgiven.

I would happily deliver all their skulls back to Azeroth given the opportunity.