If this fight happened

Banshees definitely are. She’s still not in the same league as Azshara, though.

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Seems hard to believe she could. Queen Azshara is one of the strongest spellcasters ever? I found be surprised to hear that Sylvanas has equivalent power to that at this point.

Malfurion was at 33%. Sylvanas was at 10%.

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But what is their max? Sylvanas at 10 percent would be more than Malfurion’s 33 as PVP targets.

Um can a small toddler beat Mike Tyson in a fist fight?

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Maybe Bamm-Bamm Rubble.

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Malfurion had more max health than Sylvanas:

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Well yeah he spec’d guardian for that fight.

Imagine if he spec’d Balance if he was gonna play ranged.

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10,000 years of afking can make you miss ALOT of class changes, back when he was raiding there were only like 5 classes and druids had the wood smithing class profession.

Gotta respect him though he has the world first archimonde achievement


I could not verify from videos.

Got ya covered.

It kind of helped that Blizzard let him create a 2,000 strong raid party of whisps.

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Back in highschool I had a biology teacher and a chemistry teacher that had something of a rivalry. Our chemistry teacher would be showing us the Periodic Table say things like “Back in your biology teacher’s day there were only four elements. And one of them was Dirt.”

Our biology teacher was a good spirit about it, though. One day he walked in on our chemistry class while we were watching a video about the Big Bang and he went “Hey! I remember that!”

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The in-game cutscene is meaningless - even setting aside obvious difficulties in using things like health bars to determine lore, the fight is depicted in the subsequent novelization which, as the most recent lore, is canonical unless Blizzard says otherwise.

Though I do not agree with Drahliana, Drahliana believes otherwise:

Personally, in this particular fight, neither the in-game content or the novel really have contradictory information, and if overlapped both could be canon.

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Nah, Sylvanas gets curb stomped. She couldn’t even take on Malfurion and all he was doing was pointing a flashlight on her eyes.


Azshara was noted as being more powerful than Mannoroth back in the War of the Ancients. Mannoroth was only taken down by Illidan, and was a raid boss even after years of his blood being drained to make the Fel Horde (which were conveniently forgotten about when Illidan got his ‘heroic’ retcon).

Just because a boss is fought in a later expansion doesn’t necessarily make them more powerful than prior bosses. If Mannoroth at lesser strength was a raid boss, and Azshara was notably stronger than him at full power, then at this point she’s beyond Sylvanas in terms of strength.

Malfurion, Tyrande, and Illidan working together would probably be able to hold their own for a bit, but of course we’ll never find out if that’s the case because none of them are in Nazjatar next patch.

Edit: I got my Pit Lords mixed up, as stated below. Whoops… but Mannoroth was still a raid boss! In Hellfire, after being raised up again. Probably where my brain crossed wires.

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Different Pit Lord. That was Magtheridon.

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Azshara is like a Overpowered Monster. Sylvanas wouldn’t even dare to kill Azshara and raise her as a undead even if she tried. Sylvanas would be crushed and killed by Azshara before Sylvanas can even do anything against her.

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Sylvanas wouldn’t have a chance of defeating Azshara, one on one. She’d have to acquire a fairly significant power boost first. Something like Jaina taking the power of Ra-Den, or Tyrande becoming the Night Warrior.

I suppose Sylvanas could always go to Northrend, and take Bolvar’s crown. That might give her the power boost to compete.