If they gave retail a pristine server?

Classic had massive player support. And they probably spent way over 100 million recreating it. The custom personal server OP wants is something with unknown potential for support. But it would require massive reworks of the world for you to be able to access content that would now become inaccessible because of removal of flight from content that was designed for flight.

In fact, a lot of the people in retail who said they wanted to play classic left after a few days, a week, or a month. Those who were still playing throughout were the private server fans. They don’t want your LFD.

Did you play classic? How many characters did you level to 60 on your own, and no, boosts don’t count? Most people I know who played Classic are done with it. They don’t want to level lots more characters like that.

The idea that a massive amount of resources should be spent creating something that some people would dabble in is going to be a big failure.

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I dont really see a poll with only active players working out.
If they have to leave everything they have earned behind and start all over again.
I do not see very many players taking part. Especially when you take into account
that some of the items, mounts, and so on, that players have isnt available anymore in game and would not be available on this server.

Players might try it out by rolling a alt on it. But sooner or later they would want
to play their main on their regular played server. As more and more go back to
their mains on other servers. We would end up with just another empty server
where players that do stay sit in queues all day and cant find enough people
for a instance group.

I’m not really sure what purpose it would serve.

Only if they offered some kind of external incentive, like a mount or tabard for participating.

No chance.

The stuff that the pristine server takes away is the same stuff that people on the Classic servers are begging for. Turns out, most of that stuff were a very good additions to the game.

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Yes, precisely.

WoW Tokens keeps me in the game.

I would play on it.

None of that stuff really bothers me. It really doesn’t bother me if people buy tokens, buy useless cosmetics for money or boost their character.

I’d play on one. I feel it’d be a nice change of pace with a community you can build around, especially an RP Pristine Server. It’s not mandatory so everyone else can just play the normal servers and let bygones be bygones.

No, it would be dead in no time.


It would just get botted and dominated by the bed pan filling no lifers like any of the Classic servers. Rather have the dynamic of modern WoW than trapped with the likes of those folks.

Hate to say this but they had gold carrying back before server connections and crz. Differenced is now you pay Blizz to get the gold instead of some site that is probably going to hack your account to get the gold .

Pristine does not mean gold boosts won’t happen and if you believe it will not happen with pristine servers , then i have a bridge in western Arizona that is no longer falling down falling down .

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If this were the case, then no. The only reason I don’t play ESO is because of the megaserver crowding.

Otherwise, yes indeed!

Judging buy how they ignored “no changes” and placed boosts in TBC “Classic” I genuinely doubt they have the restraint to resist the temptation.

why would this be good?

I saw a video for wow revelation and it looked better than the current game…

playable Tuskarr!

They gave you classic and the community crapped all over it despite begging for it. What makes you think this would be any different?

Some people did. Others still love it.

Probably not. I just want people to play with.

What about transmogs?

Absolutely not.
I’d much prefer not to start fresh after all the work I’ve put into my collections.

If they made a version of classic that had retail QOL improvements, models, etc… sure.