If they gave retail a pristine server?

Would you join it?
No faction transfers.
No WoW tokens.
No cash shops.
Fresh Characters only.
One for pve, one for pvp. Can’t toggle it on or off.

Only LFD for battlegrounds and Heroic Dungeons.

I think it would be a fun experience and experiment.

Beware the Ides of March


Would my mounts, pets, and toys carry over? If so, maybe, if not, no way.


Absolutely not. All your titles, achievements, heirlooms and mounts would have no place in a fresh start server.


do you not know what pristine means?

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Every pristine server idea I’ve seen before doesnt include LFG at all, so liberties are already being taken with the idea.


Sounds like a waste of server space


Could be. Then again, it couldn’t hurt to try. How many dead servers/realms exist now?

It may bring a renewed breath of life cutting ties with the cash shop.

Maybe Blizzard could poll their active users and see if enough people are interested in taking a stab at it.

Adding LFG/LFR to a pristine server isn’t like carrying over everything (mounts, pets, toys) from a live server which would make the whole thing useless. The whole thing about them is starting fresh with nothing.

I’d give it a go.


Yes, however it would have the side effect of making Blizzard less money.

It could also be a money maker from subs who may be interested in trying out a pristine server.

I have no clue. Blizzard would have to run a poll and see if money is there for them.


Please explain to everyone in your own words what it is, so you again can talk down to every other players as you usually do.


Let’s keep it civil. The world is bitter enough already. What’s your opinion on the server idea?

“Pristine server” means “My personal bucket list of things I think should be required and what should never be permitted”.

Everybody’s got their own personal and unique list. Just like all suggestions that Blizzard should make and support custom server types, it fails to take into account the fact that each person who wants a server that would fit under the broad description of “pristine server” has their own idea of exactly what that should mean.

Ion introduced the concept of the “pristine server” during that period of time when Blizzard was determining whether they wanted to bring back vanilla as a server concept. The entire purpose was to defuse the discussion of classic servers, which were overwhelming all other topics on the forum.

Sure it could. Blizzard is having trouble turning out real content now, and you want them to invest 100 million dollars in a personal server type that only a handful of players will play on and focus on that instead?


I had to look up how: but you can just ignore private profile people that are rude/troll/or you just generally dont want to talk to. Better than arguing.

I am not being bitter at all, I am just pointing out how bitter Clàrk is to all the people on here. He talks EVERYONE down & I was just making a point.


Like I said, ignore is a wonderful feature

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It’s funny how the criteria changes everytime. Iirc the original never stated no cash shop.

It would have to be a very healthy population to maintain the no x-realm features. Also last discussions mentioned no LFG matchmaking of any kind.

Well, mine is merely speculation. Ultimately if we ever have one, it’s up to Blizzard to establish the house rules.

Hell yes I would.

To leave behind all the boosting/carry sale spam in chat and all the race/faction change nonsense that ruined a large part of the charm this game once had.

I’d be all in. I just hope I wouldn’t be alone.


I would at least try it out. Sounds interesting to me.

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