I don’t care. FF has no retention.
WoW does. Blizzard is king.
I don’t care. FF has no retention.
WoW does. Blizzard is king.
you trollin’?
It doesn’t matter who saved it. Most all movies are released in China.
Warcraft movie probably didn’t make what they expected but to say it didn’t make a profit or it wasn’t successful is being blatantly dishonest.
I wish I could be as clever as you are.
It does matter, I’d rather watch movies not censored by the Chinese Communist Party.
Yeah, and you know what percentage of the money they make in China goes back to the people who made them?
(I’ll give you a hint: it’s not a big number)
Exactly, I am loyal to Bliz.
Number say all though, even the people who supposedly swore it off were still playing behind their fans backs.
Watch whatever you want. If I were a betting gal I would say most all movies are released in China. Even Spiderman. Warcraft was the most successful video game movie ever.
Ah, so you are trolling. Noted.
Read below. “Most successful video game movie ever”
As I said, Bliz probably expected a higher profit but Warcraft was successful in it’s own right.
What copium tastes like?
Yes Of course, I disagree with you and a few others so it’s trolling.
Nice deductive reasoning you have there.
I’m enjoying the game as I always do.
Ah so people who played other games are all portrayed as villain by you?
If you’re so loyal, why are you on the forums calling their games a disaster?
Hold on, hold my beer I got the answer for you.
I have said more than once that SL is not my favorite expansion but I’ve also said that 9.2 redeemed it somewhat for me.
You conveniently left that part out.
Not in the United States.
#1. Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
Domestic Total Gross: $146,066,470
#15. Warcraft (2016)
Domestic Total Gross: $47,365,290
It’s the highest grossing video game movie of all time.
Just leave them to their fantasy world, they’ll do this routine all day.