If there was

Paladin stands for holy knight.

The name you’d look for is either eldritch knight or void knight. There is no such thing as a dark paladin.

Heavens no

I think just for the luls there should be a sorta “battle mage” that wears plate.

probably a dragoon or lanceman with a cool name

An oathbreaker?

Paladin GT - Autobot/Decepticon

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You just made that up to argue with me. :laughing:

There are Dark Paladins, you can even Google the info, AND even if they can’t exist in THIS game I still love the idea of a Paladin that’s gone off the rails.

So, the Nic Cage of paladins?

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Made it up?

That is literally what a paladin is in WoW. In WC2 they are trained knights how to use the light, and holy priests how to fight (church of the holy light priests) and embued them with holy light magic (as seen several times in WoW)

A void user wearing plate and fighting in melee would be an entirely different class. Also if you mean the term eldritch knight, the term is used in DnD. Although i think the word eldritch works well here being since the void, ya know with “eldritch horrors” and the like.

There is also the thing with light more baised on positive emotions and void with negative emotions i could dive in.


The name’s Castor Troy, alright!