If there was

another plate class.

what would it be?
:thinking: :beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

we have

  • Paladin
  • Paladin plus (DK)
  • Paladin lite (Warrior)
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They’ve already got all the bases covered.

Normal Knight.
Holy Knight.
Dark Knight.

Nothing else really fits for heavily armored characters.

Me @ revolving sushi bar


hm… battle mage with shield & spells?


A plate dude that dual wield shields for tanking and dps with a mace and shield and its called a conqueror


That can be accomplished by giving Frost DKs more ranged spells.
Or allowing DPS Shockadins to be a thing.

Don’t need another class for it, just new specs at most.

Tin Man or Knigot.

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didn’t need dragon class either but it happend.
also the current plate ones are boring and quite smelly.
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

how bout a plate wearing class that uses gravity magic !
name? bouncy castle!
:thinking: :european_castle:

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DKs and (prot)paladins kinda touch on the archetype, but I don’t think either really fulfill it.

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You need to be a bit flexable for spell casting, they would be a mail using class.

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I think instead they should just add some new specs, make glad stance from wod its own spec for warriors, give pallys a ranged holy spec (although thats how ret feels these days lol) and just give dk necromancer basically demo lock but death theme instead of demons.

Heavy artillery.

Ranged class that uses a hand held cannon, slow fireing but heavy hitting and useless in melee. Pure turret style gameplay. You park yourself in one spot and just fire, relying on the armor and mitigation spells to protect you from mechanics.


nothin against the three plate classes, just they’re not my kinda funs.
i do love the armor type tho…

perhaps i’ll just admire the sets instead.

Battlemage. Spellbreaker and Spellblade specs.


Youre looking for Arcane Knight, We gives them a magic shield for blocking and mid range magic attacks with a heavy focus on AOE. They dont get any self healing though, just self harm for more damage.


sounds cool, would be nice to set spell traps but dh already has rune uh,. blasty things

maybe they could summon something too? idk
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

No, leave frost alone, turn stupid unholy into a fairy plate caster. :rage:

They could have a second tank spec too with a void focus, purely focused on repositioning mobs with gravity attacks.


please apply to bliz and make this happen.
i’ll play it day one.
:dracthyr_nod: :beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

How dare you say this right when I’m about to go grocery shopping
:sushi: :sushi: :sushi:

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