If there is remix part deux

I hope they make trash drop nothing, so I do not have to open world farm mobs in group content.

As somone who is used to the mplus scene, trust me the better system is grab all your stuff at the end.

This also affords you to be nice at the end of a run that people were courteous to the group to give your teamates anything that dropped that you do not need yourself.

To be fair, there is very little difference if I just ignore loot while in instances, and treat my mailbox like the chest though.

Doesnt stop that one guy who REALLY needs that extra 5 bronze while we are stuck together though


I think if they beefed up boss drops, eliminating loot from trash would be a good idea. Definitely speed up the run so people don’t have to stop to loot everything along the way.


When there is a chest at the end, everyone typically has the plan to murder everything until the hit the reward at the end, especially if there is a percent of the trash you have to kill to get the reward, you don’t leave things alive.

All the problems people have with the way people are running dungeons has been solved, it is called Mythic Plus, they just do not let us have it in remix, lol.

Do infinitely scaling dungeons with infinitely scaling power just make too much sense?

No, thank you.

Better players just be courtesy to their teammates.

The issue is that Blizzard appears to have gone with the barest minimum effort modification to a MoP experience, creating a change to gear instead of to the environment.

Probably because they are all focused on the TWW release and could only spare the minimum effort for Remix.

There was no M+ at the time, so there is none now.

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Bronze should be awarded per kill of a mob not per loot of a mob. That would make it better in my opinion.


Except you’ll never be able to force that to happen. Whereas the M+ system takes the potential for bad behaviour out of the players’ hands entirely.

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Except TJS was already remade, they could of given us that one pretty free, no?

Probably, but 3 months with a single M+ dungeon would have been torturous.

yeah, the problem is probably that it would have created two classes of dungeons,

the people who mplus,

and the people who need to loot every mob while you try not to lose your ever loving mind…

I saw worse yesterday.

Someone in an LFR looted a boss and discovered their bags were full. So they started scrapping things.

Then they complained that they were locked out of the next boss.


Didn’t they do something like this with Torghast or some other thing like that.

Why do you insist on holding me hostage, how would you not benefit from not having to click 1000 things in an instance?

I am courteous, and it is costing me my sanity, please Blizz, give me some relief here.

I have seen you on other threads I am on, I do not know if you are one who thinks I am a big jerk faced meanie for suggesting you will have more fun if you pick up the pace, but what everyone raging at me does not understand is I am patiently waiting for you to catch up.

It does not have to be like this, they can put a box at the end with everything, they have this tech, and in some content that is the way this works.

It is more fun for everyone that way, so we are not in a “open world mob looting simulator” with you.


I’d add threads to that, too. There’s no bag space for either of these, so you could just get them automatically. Gear and gems, you’d still loot. Any that you leave behind, just end up in your mailbox.


It feels like this, imagine you had never heard of remix.

You told a friend about this game you like playing, the only downside is the barrier to entry.

Thats right, you have to spend 6 hours in a leveling dungeon, spamming the same content with them before you get to enjoy the actual game together. (This is going to be a tough sell, asking the guildees to help with this is a tall ask, and you better be ready to return the favor)

Now imagine somone stopping to loot every single mob in the leveling dungeon.

Sure it is undeniable that they ended the run with 60 more silver than you, but this is not helping you to play the game with your friend.

Look we are not going to leave you to just die in the leveling dungeon either, but I think most reasonable people are going to be super irritated that they were unlucky enough to get you as the random draw to the group.

Of course in random queued content, this is the risk you run, but if there is a way to avoid this, all the better.

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Sad trombone

I agree, good idea. :slight_smile:

Just to comment on this … it might be a compulsion. XD I don’t want to claim to have OCD, but it’s an OCD-like behavior when it comes to looting. I … have to. lol

My friend - who does have actual diagnosed OCD - has this too. I kinda broke myself out of it a bit for Remix, but it’s honestly hard to resist looting.

I don’t even need bronze on my Paladin anymore, but brain is still like Must. Loot. ALL. Sparkles. @_@"

Anyway, just pointing out this may be a common thing with people who’ve played looter games for awhile. They might not be dumb, but instead just going off impulse. :sweat_smile:


I like looting things. :slight_smile:

Heck if anything the entire game should just use the Torghast automatic loot model. Looting things manually is, like a lot of other things, a vestigial element that belongs in classic.

They’d just have to fix the awful NA ↔ OCE loot lag first, lest the game become unplayable.


Bronze should go straight to bags without looting like Torghast.