If there is remix part deux

I have empathy for you, and want you to be able to live out your sparkle clicking fantasy, please god just not in content where I am forced to stand and watch.

Things I’d like to see next time:

M+ added
Same Reward as doing a mythic dungeon, no better loot, but since its M+ means folks could either push as high as they want to for the acclaim (maybe achievements) and would enable solo dungeons for folks wanting to go as fast as they want to, plus means they could avoid the ques. Heck. Let folks Unlock the Teleports for the account if they do a “10” as a way for folks who missed out on old content to feel like they are earning something new!

“Smart” Spools:
Once a Stat is hard capped. have the spool auto switch to a stat that isn’t capped. So that there is always some way to get stronger.

Remove Gear upgrades past a lower level:
So that all the player power comes from the cloak, rather than Half of it coming from gear. also removes the Argument about Bronze for upgrades or Bronze for Unlocks.

The weapons should be on vendors, one per zone, one per raid, make them as expensive as ya want, but Don’t lock anything behind a loot drop chance.

Change up the Thread/Spool system so that it rewards are more balanced for time investment, if there are hyper spawns, have them the same speed as doing a Dungeon, or a raid. Reward time investment in varied content rather than doing singular grinds.

Use the Remix system to redeem expansions that had negative thoughts about them in hindsight, BFA? Shadowlands? we’ve had a few duds that were partly down to how the player power was handled, Remix’s system could redeem some aspect of the expansions if its done right and flat out erases the errors of the past.

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A lot of really solid ideas.

I really like the “stop dropping useless threads” idea.

It is super minor, but it annoys the crap out of me when I get things the game will not let me use, or loot drops that you can see, but not pick up. Stop giving me crap I have to type delete for (actually i got an add on so all I do is click now…)

Farming the eggs on Dino Island is like this, if you are out farming the 9,999 bones, you will have the whole island littered with eggs that you can’t pick up,

That is annoying, and feels bad :slight_smile:

“I really like the “stop dropping useless threads” idea.” The reason they don’t change this is because of how rediculouse a characters power would grow in a short period of time. Keeping it random with all stats keeps people gaining power at a more constant rate. If you want to feel a power boost. Save all your legendary and epic threads in the bank, and use em all after saving for a week, or your till banks full.

I dont care if they drop, just hide them from me on the back end, please!

Just close your eyes.

If someone is capable of learning, that should only happen once.

LoL, ruthless.

I get where you are coming from.

I still wont be the one to pull the boss if you do that though.

I disagree

Adding a “loot all” button would be nice. Should cut down on the time spent looting.

with which part?

I think they have this tech too.

Isn’t there something called a Looterang?

Give us remix servers. I have had so much fun with this.
Let’s have some speed buffs in dungeons and raids so we can keep up. People pulling things and having others not zone in is a loss in tokens for those of us farming them.
Not to mention boss skips not allowing others to finish quests, and losing xp, gear, and tokens. Fix those things. :slight_smile:

Next remix (hopefully that is a thing)

I request that all Demonhunters be given a speed de-buff, where they are 30% slower than the slowest person they group up with.

Somehow this would feel like justice.

I’d prefer to have the non-inventory items, like threads and currency, just delivered upon the mob dying like they do with the Celestials, Sha, and other world bosses. The inventory stuff could either be the same, or could just be in a chest at the end of the dungeon/raid.

yeah when im at 8995 bronze and need to upgrade my weapon …
I could just go fly around after the run and grab a Kintama or 2 but since im already in here…

Noone is holding you hostage but yourself.
the “leave instance group” button is right there