If the Zombie event remains as is, we need compensation

I’ll keep my mouth shut so I don’t get banned. OP YOURE A JOKE

You have to almost try to get infected to infected. Its something new and fun!! Key word FUN
If you dont want to be infected and become a zombie then goto a Argent Healer(marked all over the city and go on with your questing or whatever.

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You understand, of course, that it takes two people to bicker and argue, right? And that you, as one of the two people arguing, have the same power to walk away as the other person, right?

In short, if you really wanted the bickering to stop, all you have to do is stop responding. But that’s not what you want. What you really want is the last word, because you think that means you’ve won.


This is a wrong statement. Blizz isn’t stopping you from entering the gym. They are saying use the gym while the people “of other weight” are inside on all the machines. You just gotta wait 2 hours to use a machine, they don’t owe you a refund. You just need to come back later

Sorry dear, I was at home thus not forum warring lol, but glad my gurl Alakhai got u.


Yeah, this was a bad idea. I remember many years ago, Asheron’s Call had a month long elemental invasion. You couldn’t get into town to buy / sell / repair. It was very unpopular.

I return to play WoW with this pos event to where I can not hardly play the game. I want my money back for the week. The event should have been Warmode only!


First off, you did specifically say it’s OK because it’s rare…“This event hasn’t been around for YEARS. You may never be able to experience it again… ever… I’m just saying… Embrace it… Enjoy it… Don’t be a Karen of the warcraft universe.”

Second, who are you to tell people what they should be doing? People might want to level, people might want to farm mogs or mounts. Also, not everyone wants to RP as fake defenders of a fake city that will still be there next week whether we do anything or not.

I want to play WoW the way WoW was sold to me. A pve game on a pve server. Let people like you fire up warmode and go nuts. Oh right, because it’s such a great idea that it doesn’t work unless you FORCE people to do it.

However, I will agree that you probably revel in mindless fun.


So, if you logged into WoW and for a week you were unable to kill anything, you would be OK with that? It’s a stupid cop out.


where my tree fiddy compensation Blizzard !

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But you can kill things. I play on two of the most popular servers. One horde, one alliance. Other than a few instances, i have been able to do just about everything in a timely manner playing during prime time. It might be worst at times, but you CAN play. Your statement is hyperbole.

No, they’re accusing them of not enforcing their ToS, which they are not.

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I’m not a whiny baby about temporary inconveniences, so I wouldn’t come the the forums foot stomping about the three minutes I couldn’t play…

And being unable to kill anything is blowing this waaaaaaaay out of proportion lol.


Well at least there’s the option to turn warmode off so if you don’t want to be reminded that everyone you know is dying in a pandemic you can avoid it… oh wait, nope, because the event auto flags you no matter what you’re trying to do against your will, for the first time ever forcing you to pvp regardless of how you feel about wpvp.

Great way to have everyone who has WM off that just came back for the xpac quit.


It’s an event!
Void Elves…

Patchwerk just now was a crazy time. One zombie turned into dozens.

It doesn’t help that hunter pets can be infected and spawn NPC zombies, which in turn will infect even more people. :confused:

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You should stop while you’re behind.

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If you cant do anything against the zombies. That’s on you. They’re less dangerous than the boars in Durotar and the murlocs in Elwynn.

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I’ve found zombies to be extremely effective at killing undergeared druid bots in gorgrond who basically ignore being attacked by zombies for a full 30 seconds while continuing to farm mobs. Not so much actual players who are playing the game (unless there’s a sea of NPCs to convert or the zombies vastly outnumber players)

Hardly unbeatable to the point of blocking off access to the game by most of the playerbase.

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i smashed many of her tacos.

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