If the Zombie event remains as is, we need compensation

If people irl got as mad about covid as they are about this scourge event…

(yes, I went there)


Sorry to hear that, but it does reaffirm the opposition that I (and many others) had to being realm connected to a mega-server like Proudmoore. Which fortunately Blizzard called off.

Golden rule…your rights end where another person’s begins.

Greifing = bad

As a designer if I made something that sold 100,000 units and 1 person left a bad review…it would be acknowledged and addressed. Good Designers are passionate about their product and want everyone to be satisfied even if it’s just one person that is doing the "qq"ing.
These are unoriginal bad designers that took something from 12 years ago and assumed everyone wants this because we all been sitting at max lvl for months with nothing to do.


You do not deserve compensation.


Has anybody ever noticed that the only people that ever say this are the first (and, quite often, only) people to say it?


Has anybody ever noticed that some people don’t know what a turn of phrase/figure of speech is?

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Might be a stupid way to see it…but its a zombie invasion.

If there was a zombie invasion irl they will not care if youre not having fun…they will jump on you and no compensation.


I don’t understand why they feel so entitled.

Another complaining baby about compensation for a week long event. Take a break lol

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no the only compensation you need is to find another game if this is upsetting you. really this event is one of the best things to happen in years and i along with my zombie brothers are taking back the world

remember bros eat everyone its whats best

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technically blizzard doesn’t have to follow their own rules.

i think the comments of people in this thread threatening physical violence over this are much worse.

Found the Karen.

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over a thousand posts, and the people complaining still won’t post screenshots.

at this point, it feels a whole lot like they’re making stuff up.


The only need to remove the flagging after you are a zombie you shouldnt be flagged unless you are in warmode.

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as someone who was actually there. no they weren’t.

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yeah take your own advice, let people enjoy the game without being forced into it…

why does someone deserve to grief people and others dont deserve sanctity ?

thats pretty childish logic… you can play zombie with flagged players that want to play and npcs all you want , they were talking about those griefing… if your fun is harassing people then you need mental health screenings

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i logged into a fresh toon by time loading zone ended for the human start zone i was a corpse dead… apparently during the cinematic my character was spawned… turned toa zombie then killed by a guard… great design

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jump into the center of the aoe/cleave fest. You as a zombie die really fast.

Do not release…zombie clears you back to normal. but you don’t want the release at 25% or less since the walk back will miss the loot hit.

get loot. Now release and collect your body.

Alliance rogue had someone try this on them. All that AOE and cleave…dead (again) in seconds. Got the 2nd dagger.

i even offered to help anyone that needs it. they all did a 180 and said they were able to complete the content after hours of posting that content can’t be completed.