If the Zombie event remains as is, we need compensation

Definitely wasn’t optional. Hell cities lagged out bc of infinite spawning zombies. This is much better. I have to go actively looking to find zombies outside of the occasional griefers around Nathanos.

Why do people keep on saying it was optional, i.e. it was only in warmode then? I believe at the start it wasn’t but my understanding they changed it.

you don’t deserve compensation

for many players the invasion is compensation for a garbage prepatch. Get over it for a week and stop crying

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I tested it when it came out and it was not. Zombie’s had spawn points next to infinite spawning NPC’s that would create an infinite chain of zombies. It was literally impossible to move either from lag or because there was no place safe to land. There are youtube videos of the pre-patch, it was awful. This is tame by comparison. However, that might also because there are more players in retail than in PTR and as such can stop such shenanigan’s (though I also imagine they patched the infinite spawn areas).

Funny, and oh so true :smiley:

They did not patch the infinite spawn and thanks to jack wagon youtubers, griefers are spreading this virus to the point where I don’t even want to play now.

I go to work on Suramar stuff to get a break from zombies only to find out THAT place is now full of infinite zombies thanks to some damned youtuber. I agree, I don’t want to hear, ‘Oh just have fun, or don’t play’.


Blizzard either turn off the zombie portion of this event and revert the zombie stuff back to phase 1, or find a way to keep it to the intended area being the capital cities.


I am on Thrall and rarely ever encounter any zombies. Are you trying to accomplish this on Horde or Alliance? I have leveled 2 characters and been all over and have to actively hunt to find zombies but I have only done so on Horde.

If you’re on phased chromie time while leveling, you won’t see them expect maybe in the capital cities. Sadly max level characters don’t get a Chromie time option.

I really wish we did though.

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I really can’t understand why some servers and it appears mostly alliance side are just zombies everywhere and other people claim they are never seeing them. I was seeing them all over on Tuesday when I was doing Nathanos, on three different servers in fact.

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Makes sense for the ones I was leveling but I have been gearing ilevel for my fresh 50’s in Zandalar, Orgrimmar, Ice Crown, and Plague Lands for Nathanos and never saw a single one. Compared to PTR where there were no NPC’s even alive.

Blizzard really are a bunch of malicious trolls sometimes. I can’t even transmog in peace with my lower level characters right now because I’m dead every 5 minutes. Thanks a lot for wasting my time


It might be more for alliance. When I was in PTR I was playing Alliance but live I am mainly Horde. Haven’t seen much Horde side but I haven’t also tried to see what Stormwind was like either.

You won’t see them Icecrown because everything is scaled to 50 right now and they will destroy zombies.

Org, the players are good about keeping any infestations pinned down to the rear gate. Plague Lands, you got lucky I’m assuming and a GM went through there nuking all the zombie spawns/zombie players for zone disruption violations.

As I said, if they can’t put in mechanics to keep zombie players from going grief happy outside the intended areas, they need to turn it off.

Also before anyone whines that their fun is being ruined, you can thank people that take an otherwise fun city event and abuse it.


I saw a video of that bag boss in Icecrown with them there. Others have said people are doing that zombie business to cheat them of loot in Icecrown, i.e. they turn people into zombies at the last minute and you don’t get loot.

If it walks and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck. OP was spot on.

Had that happen trying to do Nathanos this week. Ended up having to do Nathanos twice because of it. It’s blantant violation of the ToS and honestly Blizzard should’ve known this was going to happen and put in measures to prevent it.

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so what your saying is when people complain about this event on the fourms they are griefing the players that acctually want it since blizz all ready nerfed it correct?

Yes, people probably should be just trying to identify and report these people instead of complain about the event. But I wouldn’t have been able to do that and I had about 8/12 Nathanos kills with zombies there. I had no idea who started it.

Ugh, I hate this they even changed where the portals take you.

I’m aware of that Travia, that said you can file zone disruption reports even if you don’t know who started it. I’m 95% sure there are zone logs the GM can look over to find out who started the mess and who contributed to it.

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Who is “we” in your post? I will never understand forum poster who try and speak for others. You don’t speak for anyone but yourself anytime you try to speak for others you lose all credibility.