If the Zombie event remains as is, we need compensation

I played on a Zek server in EQ when you could loot a piece of gear and all coin from a person. :slight_smile:

You haven’t logged in since Monday because you died to a zombie 1 time.

How are you being forced into anything? Hop on a flying mount, press your space bar, congratulations you are immune to zombies!

Oh–did they kill your quest giver? Grab a drink, make a snack, by the time you come back, congratulations your quest giver has returned!

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Calling someone thick headed is not an offensive insult.

Telling someone they lack a brain is.

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LOL nice excuse. you mean because you miss specifics and details and paint with a broad brush that you don’t lack comprehension? Um yeah, you definitely do lack comprehension. It shows you cannot follow a conversation.


You are the one that claims they can’t go outside SW and Org, even after you have been shown proof.


Dude you REALLY are twisted

You saying everyone has to conform to you in every way is not entitled


someone saying hey, I just want to be left alone is somehow entitled?

Seriously, let me teach you something. You are never entitled to anything from anyone else. You are entitled to other people not taking your stuff or doing stuff to you, but you are NOT entitled to forcing your wants on others.


I’m having so much fun. Everything is relative. :seedling:


Show me again where I stated he didnt have a brain.

I was playing just yesterday

zoning into Stormwind or Orgrimmar autoflags you

oh, wait, they’re dead again


This post. Edited it out, because I don’t want to be actioned for quoting something offensive.

Right there. You said I did not have a brain. Oh too bad I quoted you before you deleted that? Thought you were clever? Wrong.

They cannot go beyond a certain radius because they die due to a DoT. So the claims that lowbies cannot level are crazy and lies at best.

It’s like he doesn’t get people can quote him before he deletes something he said…

Screenshot your Stormwind as it is right now, inquiring minds would like to see how unplayable your capital city is.

Matter of fact, you’re on Arygos. I can log on to this character and use LFG to hop to your realm.


Yes craft of war.

This is a faction war game.

I don’t participate in pvp as well. You can just fly away for 5 minutes lol why are you guys so upset over a video game event?

I’m getting off of the forums lol

I didnt delete or edit anything.

Who said I died?

I hated this event last time. I hate it this time. Once I saw it was hitting places like Halfhill, I logged out.

Not doing it again.

I don’t like liars - Blizzsaid they would never do it again. I don’t like things forced on me by other people.

Sorry you can’t understand that. If my consent to stay PvE is taken away, its not worth it to log into WoW

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Press X to doubt.

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You are aware there’s a 30 minute debuff infection, right?

Not all the infections last 1 minute. All someone has to do is stand in a slime pool made by a zombie, get infected for 30 minutes, then FLY/PORT ANYWHERE THEY WANT.

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If you cant tell the difference between a insult and a caveat, there is no hope here.