If the Horde now have Loa, can the Alliance get the Wild Gods back?

Er… Just… don’t do the Darkshore Warfront when Malfurion is the general… He has some… strong opinions about the Horde during those…

Yaaaah. After everything I’ve read about that Warfront I think it’s safe to say I’ll be skipping those if at all possible. Or at least throwing one of my few non-druids at it if I NEED to do it for progression.

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Where do you find the dialogue?

Wow. Who knew burning a city was all it took to turn him Alliance?


He sounds like an angry cereal commercial.

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I’d be all for the Wild Gods going full Alliance…if it meant the Loa went full Horde in retaliation.

Have them roll up to a NE / Troll warfront, which I’d be 100% down for turning into a Wild God vs Loa Warfront.

Malorne / Rezan

Ursol / Nalorakk (Amani)

Ashamane / Shirvallah (Gurubashi)

Agamaggan / Akali (Drakkari)

Aviana / Pa’ku

Assina / Bwonsamdi

So many possibilities!

Malorne: “Surrender Trolls, you can not hope to stand against nature. There is time yet to stand down.”

???: “And… when exactly have I ever stood down to YOU Malorne?”

The Trolls part and a newly ressurected Rezan stomps to the front as the Loa of all tribes form up behind the Troll lines.

Malorne: “Rezan…there is no sense in this. We are better than this!”

Rezan: “You’ve always thought yourself so important ever since that…thing took a liking to you stag. Perhaps it is time for you to be reminded who is the predator…and who is the prey.”

Malorne: “Hmph. You will regret choosing this path. All of you.”


Prove it. Post those big bad events/characters that showcase the (acording to you) Horde supremacy regarding the arcane; I’ll wait -indefinitely I’m afraid-…

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Stop. My Pillar of Frost can only get so…frosty?

But yes, this sounds great to me. Each side get’s their animal pals and each side can go to them for their druidism.

I wouldn’t mind if the Horde and Alliance swap a Loa/Wild God just to add a bit of the other’s flavor to the other side. Like the Alliance could get a Loa the Trolls ditched and the Night Elves “adopt” it, and a Wild God that favors the Horde so he/she switches.

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A) your “seeking clarification” shows you “inferred” something that Kisin never even came close to alleging so you can’t pretend you were replying to him either. B) Kisin’s comment was in reply to Mythliel which established the context. He was contrasting narrative presence and impact, something he pointed out to you twice.

Good luck. The new forum doesn’t give us an ignore option to use on the other and I’ve found that makes what you propose rather difficult to accomplish.

Loas vs wild gods? Cool in theory, but the loas would last about 1 second before being killed off. Keep in mind the loas are so weak they are defeated by actual hobos. Only time loas are worth anything, besides a few rare ones like bwonsamdi and rezen, is when the trolls kill the loas, which is completely and utterly effortless on their part.

If alliance got wild gods, they would have to be brought down to the loa level, which means they are going to have to drop like flies. I dont think any alliance want that.

If you care about something in wow, keep it FAAAARRRR away from bfa. This expansion just ruins everything…

almost like…corruption

old god expansion confirmed.

The loa aren’t weak. We see a good number of them tear through entire armies of blood trolls without effort over the course of Zandalar questing.

Loa are vulnerable to certain tactics, however. Tactics the trolls, who are intimately familiar with how loa work, can exploit. In the case of the blood trolls it was mostly through Old God magic and systematically exterminating the loa’s followers.

Krag’wa, as a clear example, was more than powerful enough to slaughter an entire army of blood trolls and their undead dinosaurs, but only after we help him pull together all his power that he had divided to create wards to protect his children.

Meanwhile Shadra was betrayed by her own high priestess, someone Shadra would have invested a lot of her power into in the first place, using a ritual developed by the Drakkari. It isn’t an effortless process seeing as Yazma needed to keep you distracted long enough for her to complete the ritual.

The ritual also isn’t without risk. Quetz’lun in Northrend created her own Hell in the Shadowlands and dragged her followers in with her after she died.

It also seems like it isn’t all that easy to catch a loa to perform the ritual without the trust and connection being their high priest affords you. Pa’ku was caught, but Gonk butchered the blood trolls that tried it on him and then went hunting.

It actually isn’t that different from the Ancients and their vulnerability to satyr magic and Nightmare corruption. Corrupted druids are very, very dangerous to them because the druids understand how the wild gods work and can use that to corrupt their essence into something wicked.

I do agree with your ultimate point though. Blizzard loves to kill gods. Especially troll gods.


If the loa actually do anything versus the Alliance in this war–beyond the cutscene with Rezan that we’ve already had, which just serves as an impetus for the Alliance to court Kul Tiras–I’ll eat my hat.

Well good news is coming your way if you like the way hat tastes! Not to get too spoilery.

Wild Gods are on the same level as the Loa. We just happen to see Loa die more often, but that’s more due to Trolls being Blizz’s cannon fodder race.

As Kisin mentioned we’ve seen Loa in Zandalar decimate entire armies with minimal effort like Krag’wa and Rezan. Most of their deaths are to trickery or abuse of trust. Loa are very rarely simply overpowered.

As for the Wild Gods…I remember punking Ursoc and Cenarius easily enough in Emerald Nightmare.


blood trolls. You mean the mostly naked trolls who look like they havent eaten in a week armed with spears whose most powerful attack is throwing said spear. Hardly a worthwhile feat.

Meanwhile, the wild gods fought against the Burning legion and managed to tear through their armies.

Also, forgive me but it is hard to take the “well they are susceptible to betrayal” when virtually every single loa has been betrayed in this game. Frost trolls, forest trolls, and jungle trolls all devoured their loas effortlessly. At this point, NOT being betrayed by your followers is an oddity. Which is kinda the problem with loas, they are the biggest jobbers in wow. Not only can everything and anything defeat them with ease, but their defeat usually empowers their enemies significantly. Loas are not an asset, they are a liability. They are a walking energy drink for enemies.

The loas themselves are not very powerful. Rezan, one of the most powerful loa, is a dungeon boss. The rest of them (sans bwonsamdi) are as powerful as a quest mob. Meanwhile, trolls who devour their loa are at dungeon or raid boss power level.

Side note: werent the Amani the first ones to figure out how to devour the loa? ZA was released in BC.

If you mean the group of Trolls who almost successfully overran Zandalar while empowered by the Blood Magic of G’huun, which is strictly stated to be stronger than normal blood magic, then yes. Those.

The WIld Gods did participate in the War of the Ancients, but many of them were butchered by the demons, that’s hardly a fair comparison to make as the Loa did not participate, at least not that we know of. Cenarius could very well have rallied a number of them when he did gather the forces of nature.

Not at all. The High Priests of Zul’gurub are simply empowered by their Loa in the traditional fashion. The Priests of Zul’aman had the power or essence of the Loa sealed inside of them which seems more like an unconventional empowerment as it was based of the BEs siphoning off the Naaru. Pretty unclear if the entirety of the Loa was imprisoned within or simply a portion. The Drakkari Loa were betrayed by their High Priests, Trolls who had spent their entire lives worshipping them and in their presence. No one knew the Loa better then they did. The Zandalari Loa that were killed were all done in a similar fashion, extensive knowledge on how to do so. No Loa with the exception of Torga were outright killed without some trickery involved. The main difference here is that Loa interact with mortals more than Wild Gods who prefer to do their own thing.

The shambling remains of Rezan, not Rezan proper. And if raid boss is your bar, again I respond with Ursoc and Cenarius.


Azighan covered most of what I would have said, but I’ll address a few more points.

As Azighan said, empowered by an Old God with extremely powerful magic. The blood golem they were creating in Nazmir was so powerful that Talanji was worried it would unstoppable once complete. They also had armies of undead trolls and dinosaurs and had been siphoning off the power of various children of the loa to strengthen their magic.

The blood trolls are presented as a very dangerous threat.

Citation needed. We see almost no loa killed in actual combat. We can assume Torga was, but we didn’t actually see how they brought him down. Meanwhile we see Krag’wa, kimbul, Rezan, Gonk, and Akunda tear through entire armies like they were tissue paper.

And it isn’t like the Ancients haven’t died to large numbers of fodder. They all died in the War of the Ancients and most of them were killed by being overrun with sheer numbers.

This is just factually untrue. Rezan’s power was devoured by Zul and used to resurrect the first Zandalari king. What we fight in the dungeon is just Rezan’s animated skeleton with only a shadow of the power he had in life.

To say Kimbul, Krag’wa, Akunda, Gonk, Pa’ku, etc. are “as strong as a quest mob” is a hilarious understatement. They are all powerful ?? level elites. Hir’eek is the only one that could be described as a quest mob and we needed a special poison brewed by a witch doctor with specific knowledge about Hir’eek and his children to even have a chance of winning.

No, the story is very explicit in that the Drakkari were the first to develop the ritual to eat a loa. This was something they were forced to do because they didn’t have enough power to defeat the Scourge as is, which isn’t a sign of weakness seeing as the Scourge was capable of invading the entire world pre-Wrath and needed the combined effort of the Horde and the Alliance (And Arthas going easy on us) to win.

The Forest Trolls used a ritual to forcefully bind the loa’s power to their champions, becoming avatars. The loa weren’t killed in the process, just captured.


I kind of wish we could at least get a scene where Cenarius sees a bunch of mindless Highmountain Tauren skeleton men, gas masks melted to their blighted skulls, spraying plague all over Darkshore. And he just turns to better face the camera as a single tear rolls down his cheek.

To answer both of your points:

  1. Blood trolls are a joke, their only power is their strength in numbers. Once again, all they do is chuck spears. Besides Zul and Matron, none of them show any kind of power. That they are a threat to zandalari speaks more about the zandalari than it does them. The Mogu and Sethrekk are vastly more powerful.

  2. akunda was defeated by a troll hobo. Kragwa power is…jumping on things. Hell we could tip over a brutosaur for the same results. Rezan showed some serious spunk…and was immediately killed. But ill give him a pass. Paku and gonk never really faced anything, and when they did ran away or needed the horde PC to bail them.

  3. Yea Rezan is undead now, but that was enough to send an entire army of zandalri and loas running. Also its fairly common for powerful beings being raised in undeath to be more powerful.

  4. they didnt create that blood golem, it is a titan construct corrupted by ghuun.

  5. Frost trolls, forest trolls, blood trolls, naga, and zandalari traitors all defeated loas with ease. They either consumed them, forced them to retreat, captured them, or the horde pc had to ride to their rescue.

  6. captured and used as a battery cell by enemies is not really a distinction

  7. cenarius and ursoc are wild gods, them being raid bosses makes sense. Loas, on the other hand, are extremely weak (with some exceptions). Barely worthy enough to be a dungeon boss. The loa true threat is when they empower someone else.

Although i have to admit bwonsamdi’s empowerment of rastakhan was a bit disappointing at least in the cutscene. Will have to see how his fight in 8.1 looks.