If the Horde now have Loa, can the Alliance get the Wild Gods back?

  1. You can keep saying that but it doesn’t make you right. Blood trolls have powerful magic fueled by an Old God. We see plenty of examples of it in-game. The blood trolls were powerful enough to be a legitimate threat to the Zandalari Empire, they aren’t pushovers.

  2. Akunda was poisoned by his high priest, someone with a deep and intimate knowledge of Akunda’s power. He was not defeated in combat by a “hobo”. Krag’wa jumps so high he disappears in the distant sky if you look up and can land halfway across the entire zone. He can also kill dozens of enemies with a tongue lash. Pa’ku got captured, but not Gonk. When you go to rescue Gonk he didn’t need saving. He had already killed all the trolls that were sent after him and tells you he is going to go hunting for more.

  3. He wasn’t raised into undeath. Rezan’s power, his magic/mojo/soul, was consumed and used to resurrect the first king. What you fight is not an undead Rezan, it is a dead husk that has been depleted of the power Rezan held in life. It is like fighting Hakkar’s skeleton in Sunken Temple and comparing it to the full blooded raid version of Hakkar in Zul’Gurub.

  4. Can you prove that? I only remember it being called a construct. And even if it was, there was still a massive vortex of blood magic empowering it and the huge force field Ateena erected. The blood trolls clearly have powerful magic.

  5. And we’ve seen the Ancients butchered by demons all through the War of the Ancients and many more corrupted by satyrs and corrupt druids.

  6. Death and capture aren’t the same thing, and you’re still ignoring that it was a betrayal by their trusted priests. It isn’t something just anyone could do.

  7. The loa ARE wild gods. Gonk, Rezan, Ursoc, Ursol, Malorne, etc. They are all wild gods. You are drawing a distinction that doesn’t exist. On top of that dungeon or raid tier doesn’t matter. Those are game mechanics, not a reliable way to differentiate power levels.