If the Horde now have Loa, can the Alliance get the Wild Gods back?

Paladins are evil confirmed.

Because I didn’t butt in objecting to that claim?

Oh, well if Blizz not showing them doing anything this expansion means they don’t count then I take my agreement back!

(PS Shamans lit Teldrassil up)

Hear that Kisin?! Ronstin and I now disagree with you here! It needs to be shown this expansion so this doesn’t count!

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Sure we have strong leaders but the issue is that it isnt reflected on the people themselves.

No magical cities, no places of learning, etc

I just want Dalaran back. Throw in Hyjal too post Teldrassil.


Sure you did. You objected to using Jaina as a counter-example to Mythliel’s spurious claim. Does she need to be able to solo the entire Horde to be proof that the Horde does not have anything like a monopoly on the arcane? No.

Good. Maybe next time you should consider the context of the discussion before you go off half-cocked. When they’re not doing anything in the expansion, while the Alliance’s nature forces are, then one can’t make the objection Mythliel did that the Horde has all the arcane and nature now.

When the material being delivered right now is the context of discussion? That is correct. The Lightforged are the only draenei making their presence known so far this expansion.

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Yeah nah.

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Yeah, didn’t really think you were going to let what people were talking about in the discussion actually going on keep you from posting your stream of consciousness complete with invented dialogue for everyone else on the forum.

Oh no. I’m just done with you. Nothing you say about what I’ve said reflects what I said, and I lack the energy to unpack every point where you fall so terribly short of the mark. You’re not worth it.

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It most certainly does when applied to the ACTUAL TOPIC and not whatever invented material you made up in your head for you to reply to

The ACTUAL TOPIC is the Horde having Loa, and whether or not the Alliance should have Wild Gods.

The TANGENTIAL THREAD OF CONVERSATION I replied to was sparked by Mythliel remarking on the lacking arcane and nature flavor in the Alliance compared to the Horde. Citing the Horde having two active civilizations that specialize in the arcane. Kisin offered the counter that the Alliance’s flavor is intact because Jaina exists. I asked for clarification on his perspective, believing Kisin’s point of view to be contingent on weighted values not apparent to me.

I got the impressions I just outlined from these particular points in both parties’ exchange:

Bolded for emphasis on where I drew my assumptions and line of questioning.

I “butted in” objecting to the claim that Jaina was a sufficient counter to Mythliel feeling the Horde had stronger arcane flavor. I never objected to the idea that the Alliance had arcane flavor. I asked Kisin about his initial reasoning because I felt there were better reasons than Jaina for stating the Alliance didn’t feel as mundane as Mythliel had initially put on.

You declaring what I mean and disagreeing with me when I overtly state what i mean is a conflict of perception with your projection at its heart. And your own issue to reconcile with. One that’s pretty freaking common with you, and one that is really not fun to continually need to unpack with you every time you engage.

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To be honest I still consider Dalaran a mostly Alliance city. Just because it isn’t currently aligned with the Alliance doesn’t erase its rich history or the fact it is entirely built around Alliance aesthetic and mostly ruled by Alliance heroes.

Also didn’t Stormwind have an entire district dedicated to mages with a large wizard tower in the middle?

I’d be pretty miffed if the Alliance got Hyjal after all the Horde did during Cata to protect it, to be honest. Then again there are a lot of Alliance players that want to boot me out of Moonglade too despite the fact it has been a beloved home for me since Vanilla.

There’s nothing magical about Stormwind. It’s one district, no different than a district in Ironforge or Orgrimmar. It doesn’t make it a bastion of magic. The most famous features there are the Cathedral of Light and the main Keep.

I consider Dalaran Alliance as well, but Blizzard insists on keeping it in limbo while failing to develop Horde magical assets. Ironically this made the Alliance deficient.

As for what people did in Cataclysm, the Alliance lost the entirety of the Broken Isles while the Horde got two zones. As far as I know Val’sharah and Stormheim are still pretty neutral. And none of them cared about what the Alliance did.

I’m glad we’re getting Stromgarde back though.

I feel an entire section of the city being dedicated to magic and the study of magic is a pretty clear indicator that the arcane is a reasonably large part of human culture and lore. After all, all the greatest mages in Azeroth’s history have been human. Couple this with the premier mage of the entire world being an Alliance hero who rides a flying ship and solos armies that makes a pretty convincing arcane flavor.

I don’t view Hyjal and Broken Isles as very comparable. Highmountain are tauren at the end of the day, and the Nightborne were an extremely new additions to the lore.

Hyjal is important to all druid players. Alliance not getting Nightborne doesn’t effect its players, but Hyjal going Alliance guts my class fantasy. Doubly so if the gods I aided in resurrecting in Cataclysm and then rescued and worked alongside in legion turn on me too.

Agree. If it wasn’t, there’d be no dedicated area for it or npcs representing it. Stormwind has the mage district, mage trainers everywhere, and those three women who walk around talking about spells. There’s even a teacher instructing small children who’ll transform you into stuff.

The dwarven district is an indication of our strong ties with the dwarven kingdom, and the old town is there to confuse me because I thought the whole place got razed.

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WTF, If we Hordies ALWAYS have our semi-decent mage characters ignored to oblivion and are forced to follow the ridiculous Kirin Tor as if we cared over it (I mean, backpedaling on making Dalaran Alliance exclusive in Legion was dumb AF from a Horde player PoV… however this doesn´t mean that Dalaran is any less Alliance flavored).

You guys have passively ALL the arcane flavor… the only representative of such thematic on Horde is consistently painted as an incompetent fool. Who cares over Silvermoon and Suramar “supposedly” badass mages when the writers go out on their way to undermine the aforementioned mages in the first place?


That’s the initial topic of the thread. It’s not the topic directly being addressed.

Mythliel didn’t say a word about two civilizations in that post. He said the Horde had ALL of the nature and arcane flavor. You directly quoted him saying literally that.

Read your quote from Mythliel again. Keep reading it until you stop replacing his words with your own stream of consciousness. You wouldn’t need to “unpack” anything if you’d stop inventing different conversations to replace the material actually in the thread.

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Jesus Christ. What else would he be talking about concerning Horde “having all the… arcane”?

Kisin knew what he meant too! Because you guys have two heavily arcane themed civilizations! It was not a risky inference!

Its actually incredible how you can be both so pedantic AND just flat out wrong. Astounding.

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The fact that Dalaran is not strictly Alliance right now and being bitter about it. Which is borne out by his/her later post, incidentally, but of course you ignore that because it doesn’t match the discussion you’ve been inventing. Not that what the Horde has matters in the slightest because s/he literally says the Alliance has nothing and mentioning something the Alliance has directly disproves his/her claim.


I was replying to Kisin, Ronny. He wasn’t talking about Dalaran. Mythliel’s intent being the Alliance lacking Dalaran or not, Kisin opted to address the two Horde nations Mythliel’s post very much did not preclude when he said the Horde had “All the nature and arcane.” The context of Kisin’s post mattered to mine just a liiiittle bit given I was replying to HIM.

The fact that you’re addressing me and airing grievances with what Kisin said is pretty damn telling of the sort of bias you cart around with you and its pretty sad. But do go on harping about my one line of misattribution when I gave you (regrettably) the reply you were trolling for.

Christ you’re annoying.

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Why are your responses to me always laced in salt? It’s ok to disagree.

The fact is that whatever Alliance magic we have is always neutralized in practice. Jaina is an interesting exception, and I’d be lying if I said that she wasn’t my inspiration to roll a mage in the first place.

Still, we’re not really on opposite sides here. Alliance “magic” is neutralized, and Horde magic, while presumably very strong is not often displayed as much as it should in favor of using presumably Alliance assets.

So making Dalaran a distinctly Alliance entity would not only make me happy about having a hardcore magocratic culture as part of the Alliance, but would also (presumably) make the Horde happy in having their own magocratic cultures pushed to the forefront in response, namely Silvermoon and Suramar.


Well the things you are talking about are kind of gods man they don’t really pick sides in silly little mortal wars. the loa give boons to their followers and help the horde defeat the blood troll assault but they haven’t exactly thrown on horde tabards and started taking orders from our warchief they help when they want to and for them to do anything else is just bad writing.