If the Horde now have Loa, can the Alliance get the Wild Gods back?

That is definitely possible. I actually didn’t know Azshara was actively trying to kill the nature reverence of her people, so thanks for the quotes! That makes me hate her as a ruler even more. Which is a good thing since we’ll be killing her soon.

Sure thing. i’m glad we had this discussion because all these details didin’t stick with me until I looked them up just now :slight_smile:

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The Horde didn’t ‘steal’ one of the Night Elves main attributes with the whole animal worship thing. Night Elves & Highborne & those of the Kaldorei Empire evolved from Dark Trolls - And the troll empires have always revered nature & the Loa / Wild Gods. The appropriation, titles and customs were merely split and evolved towards their own societies.
And …Well, the Loa never really went out of their way to support the Horde directly.
They helped support the Zandalari empire to defeat forces of G’huun, and those whom sought to spread corruption, evil and blood magic through & through. I’m sure even Cenarius would side with the Zandalari fighting against THAT.
I mean, if the Horde were to go & deforest Darkshore / Felwood (Which is somewhat recovering lorewise), Ashenvale & Feralas - I’m sure that not only would Cenarius & the Wild Gods come to the aid of the Kaldorei, but the Tauren too. They have a reverence & balance ideal with nature and wouldn’t stand idle to that kind of recklessness.
But I do believe Kaldorei, and other reaces should be able to invoke Wild-God /Loa power, like the Zandalari & other trolls / few individuals can. Would introduce a GREAT concept to ‘Team Life’ in regards to versing ‘Death’ that Blizzard seem to be intricately weaving lore towards.

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You should check out this thread for what the Horde does to Darkshore whenever they win the Darkshore Warfont: Horde controlled Darkshore. Unless you don’t want spoilers.


Pretty sure Harpy lady should be working on returning her children to sanity before she risk her life in a far lesser conflict then the one she died in. Same With Ursoc,. Cenarius likely has his hands full in trying to stop the planet from dying, but as soon as that blows over he should probably help try to repel the guys from the forest, while Goldrinn is just mega depressed now that big daddy varian died.

Also Boar Guy still hasnt been rezzed.

Playable harpies now, darnit.


They can keep their loa.

Can we actually get some of that sweet Arcane back?

At this point the Horde has all the nature and all the arcane. The Alliance looks so mundane by comparison, unless you count the Light I guess.


Man, lorewise that’s just sad… :sob:
I guess they really wanna stick it to the Kaldorei… But needless to say, if they’re doing all of THAT then if I were a Wild God, without aid from other Wild Gods, I wouldn’t wanna F with the Horde. Lets not forget the Forsaken once killed Shadra the Spider Loa, merely so they could get its poison for their plague. At this point, the Wild Gods wouldn’t interfere with such large portion of numbers (knowing their limits) and fear of being harvested, just merely helping the enemies…
That being said though, doesn’t sound like the Tauren are massively helping the warfront on a large scale as the other races are, so I wouldn’t imagine them being all ‘A-Okay’ with all of this.

Sounds good to me.

All the arcane? No arcane magic user on the side of the Horde, despite two civilizations built from the ground up around the idea of a mage driven society, has a mage as powerful as Jaina.

The night elves are also still the premier nature magic civilization in the setting and no druid Horde side can hold a candle to Malfurion.


So are we saying Jaina could single-handedly take out Silvermoon and Suramar? How many Jainas would it take? What metrics are we using to ascribe value to these cities and Jaina’s comparative weight against them?


With the current writing team? I wouldn’t be surprised. She single handedly made the Siege of Lordaeron a success by waving away an entire battlefield of Blight and then blasting down walls that dedicated siege engines were having trouble with.

She has had a bigger impact on the current war than the combined forces of Suramar and Silvermoon combined. Suramar’s premier mage quaked in fear of her mere presence and Silvermoon’s only active character right now is a paladin.


So we reckon since she can help an army get past blighted air, she’s more powerful than two capitals and all their mages? Do we suppose mages Horde side aren’t capable of tearing down walls? I know we don’t have much to work with, but Horde shamans were able to empower some fire balls that burned down a continent-sized tree. Are we thinking Sin and Shal’dorei mages can’t do something similar?

This all works for me. Just asking what we’re supposing here so I can be on the right page concerning Story Forum canon.

You’re purposefully being overly literal to make my comment seem unreasonable.

Jaina has a significantly greater narrative presence than any Horde mage and is by far more powerful than any Horde mage. To say the Horde has a monopoly on arcane is disingenuous when the Alliance has by far the single best arcane user in the setting aside from Khadgar or Medivh, both of whom are former Alliance characters.

And if we’re talking purely mage NPCs that we rarely ever see in the story (the Horde shamans you mentioned and the elven mages you’re comparing Jaina to) it isn’t like the Alliance doesn’t have theoretical Draenei and human mages. Draenei have an arcane rich society too, and most of the greatest mages in Azerothian history have been human.

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Any one mage? Sure. But I think the person you replied to was talking about whole cities. This is why I am asking for clarification. Do we think Jaina is more powerful than two full cities?

Absolutely agreed! I was just asking about Jaina. I wasn’t sure how much we were valuing her. I fully agree the Alliance still has access to decent populations of mages. I wouldn’t dream of saying the Horde had a monopoly on the arcane. Though two prominent cities is certainly something to be a little jealous of. We aren’t allowed to have impressive cities it feels. Like our Draenei as examples, both are hobos! Well, roaming hobos. They have nice cars.

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There was a time when Jaina nearly wiped out Orgrimmar with the right artifact. Supposedly she still has the power of Lei Shen so she could theoretically pull it off again.

But even if she isn’t literally powerful enough to solo the elven cities she is definitely more powerful in a narrative sense. She has single handedly contributed more to the war effort than two entire civilizations, and she has done it primarily through sheer arcane mastery.

I’d argue Stormwind is a lot more impressive than Orgrimmar, and Thunder Bluff is mostly tents compared to the glory that is Ironforge.

I also strongly preferred Darnassus over Undercity.

Also, our newest city was seemingly designed by someone who hates the Horde playerbase. I have to take a flight path every day to check my mission table!

And Suramar is still hostile to me every time I try to visit it.

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Well I can’t fault you for your specific cases of grass is greener. I personally would trade IF for TB but TB is just my bag. As for Stormwind and Org, current Org is abysmal. I am sorry you guys were saddled with it in Cata. Truly.

And this actually gets to more what I had in mind being lore over game play. If Suramar was friendly to you guys I’d actually kind of be a little peeved! We got two hobos!

PS Darkforge is pretty rad but its a dungeon still.

Alright instead of just asking dumb questions to burn my night away: This is literally what Blizz does on both sides. Nathanos and a few unnamed soldiers destroyed all of Kaldorei civilization. They put big nametags on big events. Every war effort has single names single handedly contributing more than civilizations. This is a hero driven narrative.

Unless you’re a night elf. Then you get to watch your heroes fail their people over and over again and have your people “willingly” join the other side after being killed.


It was the entire might of the Horde in a surprise attack that destroyed night elven civilization. Nathanos and the Horde forces left behind are just occupying conquered territory and meeting resistance from an unsupported night elven army.

It is a hero driven narrative, but the Horde heroes are pretty underwhelming compared to the walking WMDs the Alliance are packing.

Yeah. And it was the entire might of the Alliance attacking Lordaeron.

I continue to agree with this. I’m just stiiill not convinced this means the WMDs on either side are more valuable than the wholes they’re shown razing or whatever.

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Does it matter? Point to any arcane use of significance Horde-side this expansion. I’ll wait. I’d also love to hear where the Horde druids or shaman are doing anything. I don’t see them at all in the war campaign OR Zandalar. The fact is that either Jaina or Malfurion alone have more presence and activity this expansion than all the Horde arcanists, shaman, and druids collectively. And neither has been alone. If power isn’t used to any effect, it might as well not exist.

So why are you butting in complaining when we object to someone who is making precisely that claim?

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