If the Horde now have Loa, can the Alliance get the Wild Gods back?

Cenarius SHOULD be helping, he represents life, Sylvanas and her undead represent death.


A) the night elves do not worship the Wild Gods. They worship Elune (who has been taking action when requested this expansion). Wild Gods are honored as powerful allies in common cause, when they actually are in common cause. They were established in WotA and it was made clear that no, they actually didn’t typically work with the night elves and preferred to keep to themselves. None of the material since ever changed that. Specific groups of druids identify with them as archetypes for their ideal aspects but even that doesn’t involve or require any kind of reciprocal relationship. Which is important because until Cataclysm most of those Wild Gods they identified with were dead.

B) There hasn’t been any lack of them. We saw them last expansion. Did we see any loa last expansion? Did we see any trolls at all last expansion? No. WoW is big. Really big. You don’t get everything mentioned all the time, or even most of the time. It comes in pulses. Expect more Alexstraza and Nozdormu next expansion, and you’ll maybe get some Wild Gods the expansion after that. Or maybe we’ll get more naaru and some Elemantal activity. You can be sure that after this expansion we’ll be seeing your Wild Gods way sooner than we’ll be seeing the loa again. That’s troll material so Blizzard is going to drop it like a hot rock.


No, the Wild Gods are not Alliance specific.

Tauren have been Druids since launch.

That’s like asking for the August Celestials to side with the Alliance.

Trolls have Loa because they have worshipped them for 15,000+ years.

Night Elves (and hence Alliance) could have had them, too, but walked away when they found the Well of Eternity and stopped worshipping.


then why cenarius was killed and classified as an allied of the nelf and why he didn’t come back?


He did come back.

He is very much alive, and uncorrupted, after the Emerald Nightmare raid.


Yes, but he still should be an ally of the nelfs, malfurion saved him.


Kisin is right that the instant a Wild God comes to the forefront, they’re going to get killed or corrupted. That’s been happening constantly with Loa in BfA, and it really sucks for troll fans right now.

The best thing for characters we like to do in this expansion is to not appear at all.


Until Saurfang actually attacked him (which, by the way, he regrets), Malfurion was still neutral. He isn’t ruler of the Night Elves. That’s Tyrande.

Malfurion is head of the Cenarion Circle. And, even though recent events have led him, personally, to take sides and an active role in the war, the Cenarion Circle has not expelled Trolls or Tauren from its ranks.

Cenarius isn’t an Alliance god. What is hard about that?

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This isn’t Warcraft 3.

Way to ignore everything that happened after that in WC3, not to mention in the game we are actually discussing.

So cenarius is going to let his friend die? cenarius should be allied with the nelfs, is as simple as that.
and the horde is destroying the forest that he died protecting.



I’m out.

You rather undermine your own point. Cenarius died in Warcraft III before Malfurion taught the Tauren druidism - Hamuul was inspired by the Druids that fought at the Battle for Mount Hyjal and then sought out Malfurion, well after Cenarius was dead. Cenarius never was shared with the Tauren or Darkspear Trolls until he was revived at the second Battle for Mount Hyjal to repel Ragnaros. In Legion, once he is cleansed of the Nightmare’s corruption, Cenarius leads the protection of Val’sharah, which are for all practical purposes exclusively Night Elf lands asides from Bradensbrook. Cenarius is as neutral as Malfurion is indeed. And if Malfurion can be pushed to side fully with thr Alliance, Cenarius could be as well, as there is no demonstrable connection between Cenarius and the Tauren or Darkspear Trolls, but there is a stated connection between Cenarius and the Night Elves.


Yeah Amadis. Way to selectively ignore story to support your side. Story like the Horde aiding the defense of the world tree after the woods at the base of Hyjal were defiled. Or the time later where the Horde declared themselves enemies of life and hope, defiled a forest at the base of Hyjal and burned a world tree with countless thousands of Kaldorei trapped on it!

One finds it easy to see that Cenarius has no dog in the fight against the Horde, if one simply remains objective and views the full history of events leading up to now, without a biased lense.


Dang it. I need more Likes to give! I owe you one Serevèn. :blue_heart: :+1:

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I hit my quota :frowning:

Me, too! Edited above for clarity.

Amadis, as I believe various night elf and Alliance fans are fond of pointing out to prevent being blamed for the actions or the race or greater faction, the night elves weren’t Alliance back in WC3. Cenarius died before they joined the Alliance. Just like Kael’thas left for Outland before the blood elves joined the Horde. And when Cenarius came back, even Darkspear trolls were druids in the Cenarion Circle.

But more importantly, as I already pointed out, Cenarius just HAD an expansion where he was involved, in raid and out in the world (during Legion invasions).

See response above, specifically about Malfurion and the Alliance and Cenarius being just as capable of supporting one side.

Yeah, but I’m not getting into that conversation with you again. I’m not even sure how many posts we went through last time on it.

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It’s kind of funny that the Night Elves worship a goddess who is so passive to her peoples suffering. She isn’t worthy of the night elves respect.