If the Horde now have Loa, can the Alliance get the Wild Gods back?

You rather undermine your own point. Cenarius died in Warcraft III before Malfurion taught the Tauren druidism - Hamuul was inspired by the Druids that fought at the Battle for Mount Hyjal and then sought out Malfurion, well after Cenarius was dead. Cenarius never was shared with the Tauren or Darkspear Trolls until he was revived at the second Battle for Mount Hyjal to repel Ragnaros. In Legion, once he is cleansed of the Nightmare’s corruption, Cenarius leads the protection of Val’sharah, which are for all practical purposes exclusively Night Elf lands asides from Bradensbrook. Cenarius is as neutral as Malfurion is indeed. And if Malfurion can be pushed to side fully with thr Alliance, Cenarius could be as well, as there is no demonstrable connection between Cenarius and the Tauren or Darkspear Trolls, but there is a stated connection between Cenarius and the Night Elves.