If the Horde now have Loa, can the Alliance get the Wild Gods back?

Aside from Bwonsamdi, the other loas do not seem to be taking an active part in the war. Similarly, Elune, as the patron of the night elves, is the only one truly making any sort of active effort on behalf of the night elves.

You are basically describing most modern gods.

Yeah so? I’m not religious in real life. This is a video game where supernatural figures can have a real influence in things unlike real life.

Elune chooses to be apathetic to her peoples suffering.

I think it is more like Elune, like other deities in WoW, are not omnipotent. The reason I even mentioned other world religions is because even gods that are supposedly omnipotent cant save everyone/make the world perfect.

What more of Elune/a regular WoW god?

Good. Less misinformation will be spread.


Um… no misinformation here. Just inconvenient Lore facts that blind Alliance partisans refuse to acknowledge. I was here to discuss the story, not to be personally attacked. Guess I can’t do that here. So, bye.

We should absolutely see the Wild Gods go back to the Alliance, my only concern is how we handle “Goldrinn / Lo’gosh”

It’d be interesting if one half of a battlefield had “Avatar of Goldrinn” and the other half had “Avatar of Lo’gosh” representing different aspects of the deity.


I thought that the Darkshore Warfront would’ve been a great opportunity to reintroduce more Wild Gods - Cenarius definitely has a bone to pick with the Horde after his tussle with Grom. But no, just blight and trees I guess…


At the very least Nelfs have a proper Tree of Life on the battlefield again, and Ancient of Wind I think

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Yes! I was so excited to see those models finally!


That’s not completely accurate though, Legion showed Ursoc worshippers in the WotA flashback with warriors called “sentinels of Ursoc” who rode bears and fought the Legion. They probably don’t exist today, but at one time, that clearly supports that the Night Elves worshiped and received power from the Wild Gods.


That doesn’t really prove worship or blessings. Anyone can ride a bear if they tame one, and we already know the night elves revere the wild gods enough to make groups of warriors after them.

I mean… they have shrines to a bunch of wild gods in Hyjal, and a lot of history venerating them, stuff in Val’sharah for various gods… there’s a pretty thin line between revere and worship


But it’s not “anyone”, it’s “SENTINELS OF URSOC” which means he claims them or they claim him as who they are devoted to or from whom they derive their power when killing the Legion.

I don’t know why you’re changing the rules of worship and deity when it comes to these group of Night Elves who were clearly devoted to serving Ursoc.

Everything surrounding them has to do with Ursoc, their armor, their weaponry, their mounts, much like a Priestess of the Moon and Elune.


What power are they getting from Ursoc? Can you prove they have a special blessing from him? What is even the history of this group? What happened to them after the war?

You’re basing a lot on the name of a group of elves.

Since people are questioning my line of logic I suppose I’ll go into a bit of a history lesson.

If there was a time where the night elves actually worshiped the wild gods it was long before the War of the Ancients. The lore is fairly explicit that while the elves may have worshiped the Ancients like the trolls do the loa their interest was drawn to the cosmic power of the Well of Eternity and turned toward the creation of civilization.

Cenarius was a legend to the night elves of Malfurion’s time. A myth. He had to track Cenarius down using old records and was the first night elf to speak to the demigod in millennia. Illidan and Tyrande didn’t even believe he existed until they saw him, a belief that was common at the time.

The other wild gods didn’t fare much better. They were myths and legends by the time of the War of the Ancients. Certainly not actively worshiped. Perhaps some venerated the old tales or took up their mantle upon seeing the truth, but there weren’t wild god cults in Azshara’s time.

Then they all died during the War of the Ancients, and while many druidic sects looked to them as venerable symbols of power and a source of learning they didn’t convert from worship of Elune. The wild gods are distinctly under Elune in the Kaldorei faith, not something worshiped alongside her in equal importance. And for the Kaldorei who aren’t druids the wild gods are little more than powerful allies with a mutual goal in protecting Hyjal.

This is all clearly distinct from the way trolls worship their wild gods. The trolls never forgot them, and they dedicate nearly every aspect of their lives to their service. There are priests who give speeches about the gods. Trolls make daily offerings to them, pray to them when they need guidance, and dedicate their lives to the loa’s teachings. In the case of Zandalar they even live alongside them.


I remember from doing the encounter his sentinels rode a bear as a mount and used bear claws as weapons which proves their name isn’t some random choice by Blizzard. Also, a God doesn’t have to give “powers” to their followers for it to be considered “worship.”

Also: Ashen are Night Elf Druids who guarded a shrine for a Wild God.

It’s worship. The Night Elves are allowed to worship deities other than Elune and it’s obviously not only a Troll thing.


I really don’t see a reason why the Night Elves can’t worship multiple entities while still having the most for Elune. As has been stated multiple times, the Wild Gods are tied to Elune, the god the Night Elves already worship. By revering/worshipping the Wild Gods they’re also further worshiping Elune.

And for Cenarius, him and the Dryads literally have Night Elf upper bodies for crying out loud. He is the son of Malorne and Elune, Elune is the Goddess of the Night Elves. Malfurion is one of Cenarius’ oldest friends and they’ve been through a lot together. Like there’s so many crossing lines here it’s getting ridiculous.


They didin’t all die. In vanilla, the Nelves still had wild gods that they got their forms from. Druid quest had us communicating with them and druid quest have us in their temples. Temples. For all intents and purposes, the Nelves do worship the Wild gods. They aren’t Elunes equal but few pantheons have equal gods.

The real issue is that Blizz tied Horde druids in with Nelf gods. They have to un do that before the Wild gods can join the Alliance but there is no issue with it happening after that.


Nothing actually indicates that either the Great Bear Spirit or Great Cat Spirit are Wild Gods, Jack. I remember we had this discussion before. They’re clearly Spirit Beasts, yes, which are typically tameable creatures, something no Wild God should be. Of course, Har’koa is also tagged as a spirit beast by the game though various other animal loa and Wild Gods are not.

Nothing you keep saying indicates worship. Having a military group named after something doesn’t mean you worship it, unless you think the orcs see Orgrim Doomhammer as a god because they named their airship and capital after him.

It’s not that they can’t, it is that they don’t. Elune is a monotheistic god, repeatedly called a “true god” by lore books and her followers. She is the person they pray to when things grow dire. The wild gods also aren’t tied to Elune. They are tried to Freya. Only Cenarius and Malorne have a direct connection to the moon goddess.

There is a reason Cenarius had to convince the other wild gods to step in to save the night elves during the War of the Ancients. The wild gods were unknown to the night elf society and largely ignored.

I’ll repeat. The night elves did not know the wild gods existed by the time of the War of the Ancients. They knew them in the form of stories that most believed to not be true until Malfurion proved them to be. You can’t worship something you don’t believe to be real, and by the time the night elves learned they were wrong all the Ancients died.

There is a reason they are referred to as demigods by the night elves more often than not. They aren’t viewed in the same way Elune is. Trolls, meanwhile, see the wild gods as legitimate, full fledged deities in their own right.


The mere presence of Night Elven druids who created a shrine devoted to Ashamane and watched it from the time of her death to the presence doesn’t not support any of your claims that the Night Elves only worship Elune, which also makes my WotA example extremely more plausible. Ursoc was a wild god with unique powers and traits that completely set him apart from the other bears. Doomhammer was a normal orc who led his people, so I don’t see how that comparison holds any weight. Ursoc still has followers today like Lea Stonepaw who worship him and try to follow his example. So the wild gods were not forgotten and cast away in favor of Elune.

Multiple races can worship the same Gods, I don’t see why you’re so protective of it as a “TROLLS ONLY” kind of thing.