If the Alliance can't get High Elves, Then Give the Option to the Horde

damn elves are weird then, yeah.

also if races in wow are factions, does that mean that Ratchet Goblins are a different race than Booty Bay Goblins?

That is earth shattering to me. The blood elf do have cunning.


Well no, but if they were made playable then they’d be given a unique moniker and provided as a separate option as we’ve seen Blizzard do so far, UNLESS they change the character creation option and expand the base customization … which they’ve yet to do.

The only exception in this case is Maghar with them being like six “allied races” in one.

Yeah but then Blizzard abused the Alliance by having the basic High Elves appear everywhere all the time… always just out of reach :cry:

Blood Elves are cool. Void Elves are cool. I just want vanilla High Elves… a hunter called xxxLegolasxxx

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It called being a tease in PC versions. In the incorrect version fits it better.

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Look forward to this gem in a future PvP World Quest.

Vereesa Windrunnder: “Kill these Alliance scum!”

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Lawd pls no.


alright so race is just a game technicality is all you’re saying then.

i want a purge of dalaran sequel ngl

Didn’t Vereesa debate joining Sylvanas on the Horde with the Undead?

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I too want a AR added so that I can live out my dream as a living meme.

During War Crimes? She debated going to the Undercity to live with Sylvanas. I don’t think there was any mention of joining the Horde, though one would assume it goes without saying in that situation, wouldn’t they?

Dwarves, Dark Iron Dwarves
Tauren, High Mountain Tauren
Trolls, Zandalari Trolls
Orcs, Maghar Orcs,
Gnomes, MechaGnomes
Draenei, Light Forged Draenei
Humans, Kul Tiran Humans
Ren’Dorei, Sin’Dorei

All the same races, yet they’re all in the game. Why do you have a problem with Quel’Dorei? Quel’Dorei are way more different from Sin’Dorei than most of those race/AR combos.


Yeah it’s all just for gameplay purposes.

If they wanted to really work on their character creation, they’d have a section for each race and allow you to pick what faction.

Humans: Stormwind, Kul Tiran, Undead
Dwarf: Bronzebeard, Dark Iron (Wildhammer? Frostborn?)
Elf: Night, Blood, Void, Nightborne (High? Undead?)
Troll: Darkspear, Zandalari (Forest?)
Orc: Orgrimmar, Shadowmoon, Burning Blade

Why am I not even a little surprised?


Humor called. It’s wondering why you left it.

And every example of an AR you just gave is in the same faction as its progenitor race.


Um… Void Elves?


So what? Why does that make a difference?

I’m seeing prehistorical levels of arguing going on this thread.

And come on, use the megathread


…were not in the list he posted.