If the Alliance can't get High Elves, Then Give the Option to the Horde

It’s an Alliance race and you know you’re trolling. Really low tier stuff.

Actually you’re just repeating claims without backup and insulting people, you’re the troll whether you know it, like it, feel it or not.

If you look on the character selection screen, you’ll find our race under the Horde banner.

If you look behind your character, your background is red.

During the Second War, Anasterian was largely unconcerned with the threat of the orcs rampaging through Lordaeron, considering it a problem that could not touch Quel’Thalas and thus not worth the high elves addressing. After Terenas Menethil sent a request of help, Anasterian sent only a token army to Hillsbrad. After the orcs joined forces with the Amani trolls (the Amani themselves ever-eager to see Quel’Thalas burn,) he was approached by Alleria Windrunner, who attempted to open his eyes to the threat. Still reluctant, the high elven king finally changed his tone when Alleria hurled an Amani head at his feet, which roused Anasterian to anger. Kicking it away and enraged at the trolls’ nerve, the king ordered the high elven warriors and rangers to crush the Amani once and for all.

We clearly did not fight for the Alliance. We fought for us. We seceded after the war was over. We are loyal to the Horde.

You are not an elf at heart, you are an Alliance biased person.


The end of the second war says otherwise… you know, the part of the lore you like to ignore.

It’s always “Horde stole an Alliance race!”
Counterargument comes in
“You’re not a real fan!”


It’d be more accurate to say that Blood Elves are all about Thalassians first, over both Horde and Alliance. Honestly I don’t understand why Lor’themar seems so loyal to the Horde

Nah, my solution is a soft retcon. Let’s end WoW with the knowledge that we are one of those branching timelines, not the main timeline, and launch WoW2 with the main timeline and this time, not make villains out of characters like: Sylvanas, Kael’thas, Garrosh, etc…

My solution would be nelves and forsaken as their own neutral factions who could pick Alliance or Horde like Pandaren do, and the Alliance and Horde being made up solely of the races that make the most sense for them.

Alliance - Humans, Helves/Belves, Dwarves, Gnomes
Horde - Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, Goblins

I’d also opt for a third, “Faction,” in a mercenary mode where players can choose to abandon the Horde/Alliance to be a sellsword/adventurer. Stay in your faction, and you can play out being the Hero of the game through the expansions. Pick Adventurer, and every accomplishment you ever make, people will doubt you did. After all, you’re just a mercenary, a sword for hire. Surely if you were someone important you’d be in a faction!

As far as the story, the Horde’s story would focus around unity and mutual support, helping one another adapt to the harsh life of Kalimdor, growing stronger and forming stronger bonds of brotherhood and respect. The Alliance’s story would be one of political intrigue and shadow conflicts between nobles and royals of different nations, a complicated web, the threads made up by ambition and greed.

That’s how I would fix things.

So that’s a nice fanfiction and no offense it really is nothing more, but in Warcraft, Blood Elves are Horde.

Blood Elves being in the Horde is not a thing to be fixed.

This is actually where we belong. It’s our home. It’s not likely to change.


When they joined.

The Horde got their back when Quel’thalas needed them and helped them rebuild their shattered people basically because it was the the right thing to do, something the Alliance didn’t do.

Why wouldn’t they be loyal?


I just think that the Blood Elves would join the Alliance without hesitation if it meant better for their people. Lor’themar was about to do it whatwith Garrosh and all that

Ensuring one’s own survival is a key part to being a Blood Elf, not loyalty and honor

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Aaaand any support I could have for this idea just went down the drain.

So yep, bootleg Lotr for the Alliance, because that’s exactly what the Alliance needs, to be even more generic and boring.

I’ll never understand people that starts playing a game that has very clear, specific foundations, such as a two faction setting, and then want to do away with that foundation.

That kind of intrigue requires shady characters, the Alliance can’t have actually morally gray characters or their goody-two shoes image might get tainted… and the meltdown would be legendary.

Yeah, I’ll pass on it, I’d rather hope for them to actually grow some writing talent (or hire someone that can actually write), and fix what we currently have while maintaining the foundations of the game.


This is wrong, otherwise we’d have went with Kael to the Legion. Both loyalty and honor is embedded within the race’s name.

This is right, and it’s why we’re with the Horde. You’re getting it.


You mean the people that threw themselves at the Scourge to save Quel’thalas even though it was essentially a suicide mission? Those people don’t know about loyalty and honour?

Maybe high elves don’t.


Look, we had plenty of shady characters in WC3. We need to get back to those roots. Blackmoore? Garithos? Kel’thuzad? Heck, I’d want Garithos to have survived Sylvanas’ attempt to kill him, to have Calia in his custody and have forced himself to be her husband, and trying to lead the remnants of Lordaeron. He’d be completely against the elves in the Alliance, and warn against accepting Forsaken support. I’d want Garithos to be a real proper villain within the Alliance’s ranks. The Defias? He should be supporting them covertly to subvert Stormwind’s authority and strength to recruit disenfranchised citizens to his cause to retake Lordaeron, while discouraging Lordaeron refugees from seeking to resettle in Stormwind.

Good lord, give me stuff like that!

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Yup, they joined the Horde and resorted to questionable methods to ensure their own survival. Playing through the Belf starter zones, watching the heritage armor quest, none of it tells me that Blood Elves are a race about honor and loyalty.

Their theme is rising from the ashes and survival at all costs… And worshipping the light now, I guess. The thing they honor most is their fallen

This is something I’ve missed. I felt that there’s only a few good reasons that could be negotiated on why the Scarlet Crusade remnants wouldn’t ally with the Alliance against Sylvanas in BFA.

Well, I don’t know which quest in which you joined the legion, but it’s the first I’ve heard of it.

We wouldn’t be where we are if we didn’t strike the balance that the Horde likes.


Blood elves being Horde is fine. That said high elves could easily be made distinct. But a simpler option for Blizzard, and perhaps the most controversial would be say: All high elves are now either void elves or blood elves save for a couple. Personally I’m on team make high elves distinct from the blood elves by making different hairstyles,faces,maybe tats, and maybe some other differences for racials and classes(even with new lore) but I’m not really passionate about it. I’d settle for void elves getting the option to look like normal high elves.

Like I said, Thalassians first.

And I mean this with the greatest of respect.


Nice headcanon bro. Blood elves are loyal to the Horde as a matter of canon.


There’s that roleplay again. You’re not a Blood Elf, dude. There’s no “we” about it.

Enough of you. No reason to engage with such a blatant troll.

Really the main issue would be the Dreadlord, but honestly, I’d rather the Scarlet Crusade had been Garithos’ personal elite force. Let him be the Highlord of it, even if he isn’t a Paladin himself. High Commander, then. I’d love to have seen the Scarlets utilized for some brutal tactics.

A riot in Stormwind? Maybe some noble is about to end it peacefully when the Scarlets burst in on Garithos’ orders, slaughter the rioters (who had just thrown down their weapons), and haul off the leaders to the stockades to meet the Inquisitors of the Crusade. All done under the pretense of, ‘aiding Lordaeron’s greatest ally, Stormwind,’ and with agents spreading word through the city, demonizing the rioters and making Garithos and the crusade come off as heroes for ending it before more innocent people got caught up in it.

There’s just… so much potential in the post WC3 Alliance for story-telling that was utterly passed up. I really hate it.

My character is Blood Elf, I am typing with human hands. I didn’t roll on an RP server. My avatar, once more, is a Blood Elf. I’m sorry you either can’t comprehend this or are ignoring it to discredit me. Either way is visible to everyone else.

My argument is still afloat if you replace “We” with “Quel’thalas”.

Which, you did not dismantle. As you provided no argument, you’re just throwing filth again.

I notice you get more angry the more you lose actual talking points. Now that you have none, you’re just angry with no talking points.

Also, do you just call others trolls to draw attention away from the fact that you’re just being inflammatory and nothing else? It’s not working either.